Chapter 7: unkept promes

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Rhemiel was suddenly terrified she had never been this afraid before not even in sector G  henry walked over to her and placed his hand on her this made recce unconfutable henry let his hand slip to her waist and leaned in he whispered in her ear '' I have been waiting for this moment for so long and I will savour every second my dear sweet Rhemiel ( her skin crawled she closed her eyes  and henry kissed the side of her face this made  recce  growl ) put her in the van tonight we are gona have some fun'' jade grab Rhemiel and dragged her to the van the door was opened and she few her in closing the door ''this will be fun'' she said to recce who got in the front, they drove for awhile then stoped at the Adams house they pulled up the drive way and all headed in side Rhemiel was taken to the basement a chair, some iron chains a table and a sledge hammer where the only things in the room Rhemiel glanced over at recce then jade push her in to the room jade followed and closed the door she chained Rhemiel to the chair that had been bolted to the floor ''so what now?'' Rhemiel asked as henry opened the door and walked in to the room recce followed '' lets see shall we, how should I take out my anger on you? or should I just let recce  make you bleed?'' henry asked walking over to the sledge hammer he picked it up walked over to Rhemiel and slammed it in to her head, her skull  it cracked opened and blood started to run down her face he did it again twice once in head then in her stomach she never knew hate till this moment henry was about to do it again when recce stoped him ''recce you forget your self'' henry said ''no just if she's out cold then she cant help with the tree''  ''good point as always ( henry drop the sledge hammer and turned to leave ) recce clean her up I cant have her looking like shit when we go to the tree'' he just nod and henry  left closing the door Sabastian stood there ''Sabastian keep and eye on recce he might be slipping'' ''yes sir'' they walked away recce walked over to the table some cloth sat on the table he picked it up and walked over to Rhemiel who's head was lowed he gently lifted her head the blood mixed with her hair he applied the cloth to her head '' I thought you were being a dick'' ''what?''  ''my head hurts where's Gabriel? I wanna go home'' ''I'm sorry you cant go home, not yet all you have to do is tell  henry how to use the tree'' ''no, no I need to sleep'' ''no you need to stay awake red'' ''you think your so great and wonderful and hansom and you smell like nice'' he knew she was just saying all this because of her head wounds he needed water ''ill be back'' he got up and left the room Rhemiel started to cry, Sabastian was in the kitchen ''so recce that red little thing what's her skin fell like? you know I'm castile's um other  half I bet he had fun with her she seams like a wild one id like to give it a go'' recce didn't say anything just kept looking for a bowl Sabastian tried again ''you know I wounder would she beg me to kill her after wards, id like to keep her red wings as a trophy as a reminder of my conquest'' recce turned an grab Sabastian by the keck ''listen to me you complete sum you touch her and ill break your neck then ill rip you apart making it so no one will find the parts''    ro walked in '' henry needs you recce''  ''fine'' he let go of Sabastian Henry was in reccec's room he stood in the centre he had string filled with a black liquid in his hand ''recce you know how we drugged Rhemiel'' ''yes'' '' do you know what black rose does to one of you?'' '' no but I think I'm going to find out'' ''yes that's right you are because I need her to understand and I need you to remember who made you and how dark you really are'' then henry stabbed the string in to recce's neck his eyes turned black ''now be  good boy and hurt the angel'' he turned and basically flew down stairs to the basement Rhemiel was still chained up he spoke '' lets remove these shall we?'' ( he ripped of the chains Rhemiel looked up and saw the darkness in his eyes) '' what happened to your eyes?"  ''shss this might hurt, a lot'' he picked up the chair with Rhemiel still on it and few it agents the wall the house shook as the chair hit and broke a bit of wood stuck in to Rhemiel  she stood up and pulled it out she flinched ''so I guess um henry did something to you? so I have to fight you now okay'' '' oh please little angel you cant hurt me''  ''yes, I can'' she walked over to the table she struggled but picked it up and smashed it over his head he stayed standing ''see still standing'' she tried to read his mind but only got static he walked over and picked her up and held her agents the wall as he pushed she felt her wings start to break the wall cracked tears started to flow she was now crying '' oh did I hurt you?'' ''stop,please'' she managed to speak few the pain ''why?'' ''I'm the key you need my blood but it needs to be fresh just stop please stop'' as soon as she told him what they wanted the drug wore of he dropped her to the floor she didn't move henry walked ''nice job ro be a dear and bring me the book Rhemiel dear thank you jade bring her recce you did me proud'' he felt so bad for hurting  her like that she would never forgive him, he had destroyed everything.

standing at the tree it looked dead jade held out Rhemiels hand and ro sliced it opened then placed it on the tree, the tree came alive Rhemiel was given the book 'read'' Sabastian demanded Henry smiled ''its fine recce, ro take her back to her family I don't need her for this'' ro picked up Rhemiel and her and recce flew away. they landed in the front yard ro yelled '' we have something for you'' Ariel and jo came out side ''oh my god, what did you do?'' jo asked  Raphael came out side he was angry  ro dropped Rhemiel Ariel stoped her falling Raphael looked at recce ro flew off Raphael ''take her inside we need to talk'' great'' recce followed Raphael to the back off the house ''you gave me your word, you side she wouldn't get hurt'' ''I know''  '' you beat your life on it'' '' well your not collecting not today it would be tragic for me to fight you like this ill let you heal first'' ''your life is mine when I'm better I'm coming'' ''I'm looking forward to it'' recce flew away and Raphael walked inside.

Rhemiel sat on the side of the bath Ariel removed her bloody clothes, jo came in and turned on the tape she put the plug in and filled the bath they helped Rhemiel in to the bath she grabbed hold of Ariel as she sat down Ariel held her up as jo washed away the blood, Michael and Gabriel had just got back from patrol '' your  out of bed'' Gabriel said ''' Rhemiels back'' Michael '' okay lets take you back to bed will deal with all this tomorrow''

Rhemiel laid in her bed it had been five days since everything happened a familiar voice entered her mind '' I am so so, so, sorry I wish I could take it back'' ''  and I wish I never met you, henry broke my skull, you almost broke my wings but  you broke something I cant fix'' '' no'' '' my heart so this is the last time I will speak to you this way if I see you again I will kill you and your twisted friends you all made one mistake you left me alive, I will heal a get strong again and then you will see how my fire works, how I really fight'' ''red don't do this'' '' I'm finishing this and I keep my word'' recce was in his room ro walked in '' you have to kill her friend Gabriel weaken her break her ( she tilted her head to the right) make her bones bleed''  ro danced out of the room sinning ''were going to war''  recce look at his reflection in the Mira ''okay then war it is''.

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