Chapter One

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"Lumos" the Forbidden forest lit up in a soft glow, a low whistle of wind blew through the thick trees and branches. Newt knows this forest better then any 4th year at Hogwarts should.
Walking slowly wand in hand, he tuned his ears to listen for his beloved creature.
She should be around here, Newt thought to himself gingerly stepping over the same branch he walked over the other night. Nothing changed nothing has been disturbed, but it was too quiet. A heavy feeling began to settle in the pit of his stomach. Turning slightly to point the light twords a familiar tree, his checkpoint.
A tall thick trunk stuck out of the muddy ground branches in every direction, somewhere in the middle sat a tear-shaped nest of thorns and brambles.
Clouds covered the night sky, rain was coming. This is why Newt came on this particular night. To hear the cry of his beloved creature, but there was no cry, let alone a sound. The silence was nerve racking, the low wind dying off not long after stepping into the dense forest.
Moving away from the tree he began to walk deeper into the forest, positioning his wand into a more defensive position in front of him, he commanded his light to glow as far as it could. There are dangerous creatures in this forest, but nothing he can't handle.
Light green eyes darting back and forth trying to study his surroundings, when an almost defining crack, followed by quick steps echo through the silent forest. Panic rose in his chest.
Newt froze, "nox" he whispered extinguishing the light from his wand. Moving back slowly and as quiet as possible while the other steps grew louder and faster to his right. A soft glow from a wand came up fast, crouching he held his breath as he prepared to defend himself.
A mournful cry bounced off the trees in every directions, causing Newt to stand abruptly to hear where the source was coming from. Distracted from the cry of his beloved Augorey, Newt wasn't prepared for the force that tumbled into him losing balance and falling to the ground.
Gripping his wand tightly his lips parted to cast his defensive spell when he hurd a soft whimper to his side.
"I'm so so sorry" it was only a whisper. Sitting up quickly and scuffling a couple feet away from his attacker, Newt pointed his wand in the direction of the small form that was lying next to him.
"W-who are you", he studdered "why, why are y-you here" wand still pointing at the figure, he let it light a small area in front of him.
"Please," it was a girl, muddy and watery eyed "I mean no harm" her muddied arm lifted to shield her eyes from the sudden light.
Lowering his wand just enough to see her but not blind her, he studied her. She was small, her hair was a messy chin length Bob, short bangs stuck to her for head. Her robes covered in mud and leaves from running through the forest. She looked terrified, smalls cuts a bruised could be seen on her face, hands, and legs.
The panic in Newts chest began to fade, and was slowing being replaced with clemency.
After studying the girl Newts eyes grew wide as he recognized the girl, she was not only in the same year as him, but she was also a hufflepuff.
"Alyssum N-novalight" he mumbled, Alyssums eyebrows furrowed in confusion but she nodded.
"Yes, wh-" her words were cut off when the cry echoed through the forest again. Covering her ears quickly, she shut her eyes and curled into herself. Whimpering again she began to mumble something Newt couldnt quite make out.
Worried for the obviously distressed girl Newt pointed his wand in the air and casted a bright enough Lumos to brighten the area.
"It's okay, she won't hurt you" Newt let a half smile creep onto his face. His Alice was okay, probably hunting fairies deeper in the woods. Letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding he relaxed into the mud.
"She? " Alyssum looked at Newt for the first time, arms now wrapped around her middle.
"Yes, she" Newt looked away from her quickly looking to the side awkwardly, "Alice actually, she's a Augorey"
"You named the creature that cries foretold death? " he could feel Alyssums eyes bearing down on him, making his shoulder feel heavy.
"S-she doesn't cry death, t-thats a myth" Newt muttered looking down at the mud and leaves he sat in. "It's for the rain."
Visibly still shaken, Alyssum still chose to almost trust in what he had said. "You promise?"she whispered running a shaking hand through her hair.
"I promise" Newt looked up meeting her soft brown eyes for the first time.


Ahhhh okay so this is the first chapter
Thank you for reading!
Let me know how it goes, I'll try to put up new chapters on my days off

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2017 ⏰

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