Taha SHAFIQUE on Moving Out

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Taha SHAFIQUE is an auto mechanic living in Brampton, Ontario. He is interested in cars of all kinds, especially sports cars. Taha SHAFIQUE loves remodeling or modifying old cars and racing is his passion. He has been in this field for a few years and plans to open up his own auto repair shop one day.

Taha SHAFIQUE moved out of his parent's house at the age of eighteen, when he had justfinished high school and had started working at an auto repair shop near hishome. Taha SHAFIQUE used to be overly attached to his family and moving out was not aneasy task for him or his parents. But he was aware that in order to pursue hisdreams and to get true freedom, he had to move out of his parents' place andget a place of his own

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