There I stood. The massive concrete walls in front of me. I could hardly see the patrolling guards at the top of it carrying their rifles and wearing their vibrant red uniform.
"Georgo," I turned back to see my sister Marie in her white hoodie glaring at me.
"If your trying not to look suspicious your doing a crap job at it."
"Someday, we'll see this wall burned to the ground." I answered in awe.
"Yeah if we live that long, now come on"
I turned my back on the wall and followed her.France had become a hell hole in the world. You couldn't cross the road without a guard pointing his weapon at you. And with the rebellion going on at the moment it only made them more aggressive.
"Hey!," One if them barked. I turned to see one of the guards facing an old lady.
"What have you got in the bag?!"
The lady was frail and most likely deaf because when he said that she leaned in and cupped her ear.
The guard didn't waste any time and took her to the ground.
"Your under arrest for violating the grevus law." The guard handcuffed the woman and called for a police van. I didn't see want happend to her but she was most likely shot dead in hellstat prison, that's the one place that's worse then hell.
Adventure"When we lost our unity with the world, when we disconnected, we went dark. But a tiny spark can turn into an inferno" When France disconnected itself with the world one hundred years ago they built walls to keep the world away. But one group refuse...