A Trip to New York City

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Lane's POV

  I stood packing mine and little Niall's bags for our trip to NYC. I decided to take Maddie just for fun. As I continued packing, my phone started buzzing in my pocket. I quickly pulled it out and spun it around so I could read it and the caller ID said Maddie. I quickly picked it up.


"Are you almost ready?"

"No, not really."

"Lane, we need to be to the airport in 2 hours!!!!"

"I know, I am almost done packing Niall's bags."

"Okay, when are you gonna be here?"

"20 minutes, I just finished. The car is here, see you in 20 minutes."

"Okay, bye!"


I buckled Niall into his car seat, and climbed into the other side and waited until the car began to move. I looked over 5 minutes later and Niall was asleep. I decided to pull out my phone. I quickly tweeted:

"Off to the airport for the plane ride to NYC!! #airtravel"

Next thing I know, we pulled up outside of Maddie's Apartment. I got out and ran up to Maddie's door and knocked and yelled "Let's go Maddie!! NYC here we come!!"

Maddie then emerged from the apartment with two suitcases. We walked down to the car and climbed in and we left for the airport.


(Still Lane's POV)

We got off the plane and looked for Liam and Louis. We found them and ran over to them with little Niall in my arms. I got over t them and them a one-armed hug because of little Niall still being in my arms. I let Louis and Liam each hug him. Niall made grabby hands at Louis, so I let Louis hold him. I took the bags and walked out to the car with Liam, Louis, Maddie, and Little Niall. We got to the car and put Niall's car set in and then him, then the bags, then climbed in. Louis sat in the back with Little Niall and Maddie. Liam sat in the passenger seat and told me to drive because I had experience driving in very thick traffic. I hate driving in New York City, that is all I have to say.

Niall's POV

I got suspicious when Liam and Louis left and said they would be back. I decided to go and check Twitter. I got on and the first time that popped up was an interesting and suspicious tweet, from Lane. It read:

"Off to the airport for the plane ride to NYC!! #airtravel"

I remember Liam saying they were going to the airport. I quickly called Lane. It rang and rang and rang, but all I got was his voicemail. I left him message telling him to call me back. I started running around playing Football (AN: Football= American Soccer) with Harry and Zayn again. I just kept thinking about it though. Oh well, I don't have anything to say to Lane. He can talk but I will just ignore him. It would just be better for all of us. I just want him out of my life. It would just be better for all of us. He is just a big fat lie. Everything about him. I just can't believe I was stupid enough to believe him and his lies. He is a jerk. I hate that stupid jerk!! And I was stupid enough to believe him!! It's bullcrap I tell you!! BULLCRAP!!! I don't want him in my life anymore. He can just go...go and that stupid baby of his. I don't care anymore. I really really don't care anymore. By now I was in tears. Oh well. I ran off to my dressing and just laid there, sobbing. He was a mistake!! 

AN: Hope you all are enjoying this book so far!! I am!! Anyway, got to run, bye!!

XOXO, lanemichael

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