Chapter 8

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"You can love someone so much...But you can never love people as much as you can miss them." 

-John Green 

Jacques was curled against something very warm and very comforting. He nuzzled into whatever it was, yawning. A few minutes later he twitched awake, looking up at what he was sleeping on with half-lidded eyes. It took a moment to register that he wasn't just sleeping on something, but someone. 

His face turned beet red as he pulled back, muttering an awkward apology. Theo was chuckling, making him blush even more. But he could see the other boy turning red, as well. After checking on Marcie, there was a moment of silence. Just all of them looking at each other. Until there was a noise from upstairs. Theo nearly had a heart attack. 

"Maybe just an animal," he said uncertainly, hoping that he was right. Marcie woke from her slumber, looking around curiously. There was more noise, and he directed everyone to hide. He ducked behind a fake tree, taking in a shaky breath. He doubted his choice of a hiding spot, changing at the last minute. He took refuge behind the old receptionist desk, feeling much more hidden. 

Men stomped into the room, shouting and threatening. There was scuffling, shouting. Then a bang. More shouting. Another bang. Thumps. Jacques peered out from behind the desk. There was one man left standing, a gun held tightly in his hand, and a bag of something else in the other. he looked pleased with himself and he tucked the gun into his back pocket and left the building. 

There was another long silence, and then Jacques her quiet sobs from where Theo was hiding. Marcie surfaced from under the couch, looking around. She shrieked as she saw the two bodies on the ground, falling onto the couch. She looked a little green around the gills. 

Jacques softly made his way over to the table Theo was under. The boy was facing the wall, curled into a ball. His ears were pinned against his head, tail curled around him tightly. From what Jacques could see, it looked like Theo had bit down on the end of his tail to keep from crying. 

"Theo. Theo, it's all over," he soothed, tapping on his shoulder. Theo's head shot upwards, banging his head on the bottom of the table. He mewled in pain, but turned to look at him. his eyes were wide, face pale. It looked like he had just seen a ghost.

"Wha-what. Jacques, you were---How are you-Wah." He threw himself in Jacques' arms, sobbing. He had a hard time catching his breath, hyperventalating. 

"Theo, what's wrong?" Jacques asked urgently. "Were you hurt?" He looked Theo over in distress. 

"I thought you were," Theo said through sobs. "I thought the blonde on the floor was you. You weren't behind the tree, and, and--" he stuttered. 

Jacques' heart felt like it skipped a beat. He held Theo tighter, smoothing down his hair. "You really care about me that much? In so little time?" 

"You saved my life." Theo said simply, sobs slowly fading into sniffles. Jacques looked at him thoughtfully. Theo seemed like a very emotional, loyal person who had been through a lot. 

"Guys, sorry to ruin a moment. But we should leave," Marcie hoarsely piped from the couch, still sick looking. 

"She's right," Theo murmered through Jacques shirt, stepping away from him and wiping his nose. Jacques nodded, leading them out of the apartment building and down another alley. Theo tagged along right beside Jacques, not as reluctant as before. Marcie was on Jacques' other side, plodding along in silence. 

"Breakfast." Was probably the only thing she said. 

They made their way to the far end of town, hopefully out of the reach of Jacques' father's watchful eye. They walked into a Cracker Barrel, sitting down and ordering what they wanted immediately. They chatted nervously while eating pancakes, Theo still deciding to sit with Marcie. 

"We need a plan," Jacques stated, getting nods from the other two. 

"We could go to another town," Marcie suggested, stuffing another bit of pancake in her mouth. 

"I was thinking that. But where would we stay? I barley have enough money to fund our meals, let alone pay for a hotel room." 

"We'll find a way, don't worry," Marcie assured.

Theo made a choked noise, looking down at his pancakes in disgust. "Guys, I think someone spit in mine." He grumbled. Marcie blanched, spitting out the pancake she had in her mouth. 

"You're not serious, are you?" Jacques asked in disbelief as Theo shook his head, pushing his plate over to him. Jacques grimaced. Yep, spit. "I'm tired of this shit! Hybrids deserve just as much respect as everyone else!" he yelled, getting up. He stormed out, not bothering to pay. Marcie and Theo hurried after him. 

Dramatic storm out number two, check. 

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