Chapter 12

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"My daddy said, that the first time you fall in love, it changes you forever and no matter how hard you try, that feeling just never goes away."

-The Notebook

Rain poured from the sky in a heavy torrent. The sky was a eerie black color, making it hard to see on the streets of Lotusburg. Three teens ran through the pouring rain, holding a flimsy umbrella over their heads. The shortest one clung to the umbrella like it was water in a desert, desperately trying to keep out of the downpour. They dove into the nearest building, which happened to be a small coffee shop. 

"My hair." The short brunett fussed over his soaked hair. It was plastered to flat to his head, falling into his eyes. His swiped his bangs aside, frowning. His tail fluffed out in annoyance, lashing back and forth. 

"Oh shush, Theo. It's not that bad," the tall blonde standing next to him said, sentence dwindling into laughter as she took in his apperance. 

"Shut up, Marcie. I look like a drenched rat. Yet you manage to stay perfect." He grimaced. Marcie looked the same as when she walked out of the hospital hours before. She smiled devilishly, pointing one manicured nail at the other boy standing with them. "At least you don't look as bad as Jacques."  She chuckled.

An utterly sopping wet Jacques stood near the door. He looked like his own little gray cloud, hovering gloomily and frowning, ready to spread his hard feelings to everyone. His bangs were stuck in front of his eyes, but it was clear he was leering at them. "Tell me you kept the changes of clothes dry," he demanded, panic in his voice. "These jeans," He shifted uncomfortably, "are sticking to places, Marcie. I need a dry pair." A blush crept onto Theo's cheeks as he ran a hand through his hair and averted his eyes. 

"Here, drama queen." Marcie handed him a change of clothes, and he took off to the bathroom, clothes making sloshing noises as he went. "Here's yours, as well." She smiled, handing Theo his clothes. She noticed the blush on his cheeks, which was fading fast. "You know," She pursed her lips, "there's someone I know who wouldn't mind if you were to go after them." She motioned with her eyes towards the bathroom. 

"W-what?" Theo stuttered. 

"Ask him out, make a move, go from friends to more than friends, you know." She waggled her eyebrows. Theo went wide-eyed, blush returning in full force. He scurried away to the restroom while Marcie called after him, "Go get him, tiger!" 

Theo walked awkwardly into the bathroom, hands pressing against the cool metal of the door as he built up courage to do what exactly? He didn't even know. He clutched the clothes tightly to his chest as he took the stall next to the one Jacques was using. Slipping off his soaked clothes, he listened to the rustle of noise as Jacques did the same. He pulled on the new, dry, pair. 

Slipping out of the stall, he was met with Jacques standing in front of the mirror, fixing his hair and muttering. Now's your chance. Theo thought nervously. "Hey, Jacques," he began, getting a grunt in return. "I have a question." At this, Jacques looked at him curiously. 

"Marcie told me something," Theo stated, worrying his bottom lip with his teeth. 

"What'd she tell you?" Jacques asked, horror on his face. "Not about that time I ate cat litter when I was ten on accident, right?" 

Theo spluttered, guffawing. "Oh my God, no. But thanks for that blackmail material." He managed between laughs. At least some of the tension was gone. "Um, she told me...she told me you like me?" Or at least implied. He added mentally. 

Jacques turned a little green, eyes looking at everything but Theo. Theo waited nervously for an answer, scuffing the tip of his shoe on the tiled floor. Jacques swallowed heavily, finally meeting Theo's gaze. "Yeah...yeah, I guess I do," he started, sucking his bottom lip into his mouth before he started speaking again. "Ever since I saw you in that house with that man it was just..automatic, I guess. You looked so fragile, scared. Like if someone touched you, you'd shatter. After you got beat up in that alley, I thought I'd lost you. I sat by your bedside for days, stayed up for nights holding your hand and hoping you'd wake up. Even when they said you'd be fine. I cried, Theo. Cried. I don't cry. I've only known you for what, a month? A few weeks?" He took a shaky breath. "I'm for sure, positive, absolutley certain that I like you. Maybe some day I can even love you if I don't already." He looked at Theo nervously, almost shyly. 

Theo was shocked, staring at Jacques with mouth gaping. Jacques liked him. Jacques. The boy who'd saved his life. The boy who'd stayed by his bedside for days when he was injured. The boy who he'd held while he cried without a second thought. When did he even start liking Jacques? Maybe it was when they were running away, or when he woke up to see that familiar face, hell, did it matter? Jacques liked him, and he liked him back. 

"Why're you so perfect?" Theo asked, breathless. He stepped forward, wrapping his arms around Jacques in a tight hug. 

"I'm not perfect." Jacques let out a breathy chuckle, returning the hug. 

"Everything I've ever dreamed of," Theo said simply. 

"Then I guess you wouldn't mind us being boyfriends, would you?" Jacques smiled, pulling Theo from him to look him in the eyes. 

"N-not at all," he stuttered, returning the smile with a toothy grin. 




"You do realize we just confessed our feelings in a men's bathroom." 

"This will be a great story to tell."

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