Chapter Twenty One - Hot Stuff

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Chapter Twenty One – Hot Stuff

I race to the doorbell, not being able to help myself. Today is finally the day I get to see my best friends and tell them of my good news. I’ve texted both Katie and Xan so hopefully they’re both here. Maybe this is the thing that reunites me and her. I miss Katie way too much.

“You’re never going to guess,” I say cheerfully, ripping open my front door. Xander stands there with his hands in his pocket and a dorky smile on his face. The upturned corners of my lips falter when I notice he’s alone.

“Hey,” he greets with raised eyebrows. Xan dances back and forth on his heels waiting for me to snap out of it. This is the first time I’m seeing him since the hospital! I shake my head and run into him with a crushing hug. “That’s more like it,” Xander jokes with me.

Feet thud down the stairs behind me and Michelle’s voice squeals with excitement. I step aside as she jumps up at him. Michelle must have felt guiltier than I thought. Her arms squeeze tighter. My younger sister doesn’t let go until Xan removes his arms and the only thing holding her up is her grip around his neck. Even then it takes her a while to get off.

“I’m so glad you’re okay,” She mumbles into his chest. Xan lets her down easy and scratches the back of his neck.

“I’m indestructible,” he tells her with an overly serious face. Scott’s voice calls Michelle back to the kitchen and my sister runs off. Xander steps inside, bee-lining for the living room where I’ve got DVDs displayed and popcorn at the ready. I guess the cupcakes on the side aren’t going to be eaten today.

“Nice to see you haven’t lost your appetite,” I giggle as he stuffs a handful of popcorn into his mouth. I follow suit, regretting it instantly. A few pieces fall down my shirt and I have to awkwardly fish them out. “You see nothing,” I instruct.

Xan sits back on the couch and leans his head on his fist. His hair is back up in spikes and there’s more color in his cheeks than at the hospital a few days ago. I ask him how he’s feeling with more knowledge of what happened than anyone else. Xan tries to brush it off but I won’t take a wimpy answer.

“Something’s definitely off,” he replies. “I don’t like seafood anymore and you know my love for fish sticks.”

I nodded. “I never knew how you could stomach those.”

“Apparently, I don’t either.”

It gets a little quiet so I insert in a DVD into the player and click it on. It’s a random 2-star movie about vampires that we as the three amigos love making fun of. Katie isn’t here to enjoy but I have to pretend she’ll be back anyway. Fifteen minutes in, a vampire hisses with its fangs after a boring monologue of why he’s out for payback. It’s obvious where CGI starts and makeup ends. Pathetic.

“Pathetic,” Xan whispers. My head snaps in his direction. “Vampires aren’t as scary-looking in real life but at least they know how not to sound like a total tool.”

My non-believing eyes are met with Xander’s confused ones. “Vampires are real?”

“Yeah,” he answers excitedly. Checking if Scott or Michelle are in ear shot, Xan leans in and lowers his voice. “Demons. They’re where the vampire lore comes from. They drink Tempest witch blood specifically to keep young but you still need a wooden stake to kill them.”

My hand shoots for the remote and I pause the movie on an unflattering face. That explains the day Trevor saved me from Mrs. Fletcher. She really wanted to drink my blood? I could have gone my whole life without knowing that. I shake my head and turn to Xander.

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