Chapter 3

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He was awkwardly very quite when I got out of the truck. I expected a full blown assault with some swearing thrown into it about how im a wolf. Nope nothing. This alomost made me feel more weird. Like he was trying to be an actual person this time.

“Wyatt call you?” I asked looking at him straight in the eyes

“He did.” He was staring back at me not backing down.

“And what your not going to yell? Tell me that for some reason I cant be around Isiah and I need to listen to what you have to say?”

“Listening to me surprisingly will help you out but clearly you don’t listen to anyone. All I came here to say is that you should let me know when your ready to hear it. Because I promise sometime very soon your going to need to.” He spoke neutrally and walked away. So he didn’t even drive here.  He walked up a freaking cliff basically and hes walking home. Whatever hes on drugs, at this point maybe I’m on drugs. For all I know uncle drew is apart of the loony bin too. I didn’t have to deal with this. Maybe at some point ill listen to the poor kid so he can get it out of his system but until then I’m not.

I walked back into the house and threw my backpack on the counter. Uncle Drew barley glanced up from the T.V to talk to me.

“Hey kiddo was that Alex outside” He asked totally unengaged.

“Uhh yes? How do you know who Alex is” I questioned. He looked like I caught him off guard.

“Ohh.. I ummm. Hes a kid around town. You know small town and all. He must play sports at the highschool or something.” He finished almost stuttering on the last word.

“umm yeah maybe. Anyway Im beat had long day at school I think I’m just going to head to my room do some homework and go to bed.” I started up the stairs with my backpack.

“Alright Macaroni don’t forget breakfast in the morning bright and early!” he shouted his voice booming as a shut my door.

It took me way to long to fall asleep all I kept thinking about what was Alex had to say. He didn’t even get mad! Then there was weirdo Wyatt and Isaiah who seemed nice but I guess has some issues with each other. Soon after I contemplated that I slowly drifted off into sleep. It feels like mear seconds go by as I’m jerked away by a hard slap to my face. I bolt forward and feel strong hands gripping my shoulders.

“Mackenzie, MACKENZIE. Can you hear me? You gotta say awake. Look at me.” I hear a fimilar voice but It feels like its coming from the end of a tunnel. I feel a thumb rub under my eye. I peeled my eyelids back and looked straight into the face of Wyatt

“You have to stay awake Mackenzie I can help but you need to keep looking at me.” He continued as he pushed the hair out of my face. He swung he arms under my legs and lifted me and started running.  He was running to the woods which I didn’t understand. At this point I didn’t really have enough feeling to care.

“I am awake.” I started barley able to get the words out. “See. Eyes opened.” I tried to be a smartass but It wasn’t working out too well for me. I felt like I got hit by a bus and all the while my eyelids were slowly drooping. My whole body hurt and was freezing. Who knew that the top of cliffs in the summer still get this damn cold. Maybe a minute later I started really hurting.

“My thigh” I spoke that barley came out as a whisper.  Not even seconds later after I said that my legs began to shake. Eitehr from pain or from the cold I really wasn’t sure which one.

“Damnit Damnit Damnit.” Wyatt cursed as he set me down to take off his jacket. He carefully wraped his jacket and the sleves around my thigh and then looked me straight in the eyes.

“We are almost to somewhere where we can fix you. You gotta stay awake until then. Talk to me. About anything. Tell me a story. Please.” He stated while cupping my head in his hands. Then brought me back into his arms and continued the run.

“Story. Now” he said not even out of breath

“umm.. Okay. Well one time I had to move schools. Met some pretty weird kids claming I’m in some weird werewolf groupie. And now I have some strange kid I just met a few days ago carrying me though the woods. In the middle of the night. While I have a huge wolf bite on my thigh.”  I told as my voice came out in breaths.  I can still be somewhat of a smartass either way. Wyatts eyes burned into mine as his head jolted to look at me.

“I didn’t tell you what was on your leg. It just was hurting you. What do you mean a wolf bite.” He asked strictly.

“In the dream. It was a wolf. You wouldn’t know. You wernt there” the pain began to numb my body as I starting giving up the fight to stay awake. The last thing I remember was the strong line of profanities Whyatt was using.

Sometime later we made it into a house. Only way I could tell was the drastic change in temperature. Warm. Nice. My body still didn’t seem to catch on that it wasn’t cold anymore as I still shook all over. Right when we got inside I changed arms. Someone else was holding me talking to me.

“Mackenzie your going to be fine. Just don’t fall asleep until we check you out. A doctor is on their way” Someone said

“She knew about the bite” I overheard Wyatt talking

“What?!” multiple voices stated

“She told me it was from a dream right before she passed out. I don’t think she knew it actually happened.” He reported almost sad.

“Well shit. Hes a lot stronger than last time. Or hes been holding out for this very reason. We cant protect her from something we didn’t know he could do.” A voice I placed finally as Alex’s said. While he spoke he ran his warm hands up and down my arms as if trying to warm me up. I felt myself falling back into sleep, so I grabbed the closest thing to me. Something to anchor me to the world. As a grabbed Alex’s arm his hand stilled at first then put his hand in mine. Seconds later a blanket was placed over me and I was set onto someone’s couch or a bed. Being on a comfy surface made the staying awake thing pretty hard. Alex didn’t let go of my hand I squeezed his as tight as I could to feel something. Anything.

“Im tired. I cant.” I started until a voice broke me off

“How long has she been like this” the female voice started. “Are we sure it was Isaiah?” She kept going while she put her fingers on the wrist proubably checking my pulse.

“Its been about an hour. I had to run from the cliff. Were not sure if it was him but from the way shes acting it messed her up pretty bad. You have any othe explanation?” Wyatt snapped at the woman.

“Sleep, I cant…” I started not even able to finish the sentence

“I gotta look at this leg before you fall out on me Mackenzie. Try and fight a little while longer.” The female sympathetically said. But I couldn’t. My eyelids shut and my body gave out to the sound of Alex trying to coax me awake again.

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