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Pic of me was taken for a job i was on

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Pic of me was taken for a job i was on.
Top pic is of Demon the other Sgt of Arms for the club.

After Viper said the club whores would know as well i just mumbled great now they will be really all over you guys with me outta the way. Venom said," what was that you said gorgeous, you jealous i thought you didn't want us". Than he smirked and winked at me so i went to throw a punch at him and he caught my fist no problem mid swing and said, "babe keep the rough stuff for later when were in bed". Ugh i was really beginning to hate this so i retorted with a not going to happen. Viper pipes up with ya keep telling yourself that, "it's going to happen sooner or later, sooner if i had my wish", he said. We have church now beautiful so if you are good we will take you out for lunch, and Demon is guarding the door for now so don't be a pain in the ass for him.

Demon came into the room after the guys left he wanted to talk and keep me company which was great since more than likely i would get bored. I kept looking at the door wondering if i could out run him he must have noticed because he told me don't even think about it i will catch you and i'll tie you to the bed. About ten minutes later there was a knock on my door i answered it before Demon could and Fury handed me a letter addressed to me. I quickly opened it and upon reading it i started screaming and shaking while i sunk to the floor. Demon grabbed the note and read it; he turned to Fury and told him to go get Prez and the VP.

Demon gathered me in his arms as i cried; the guys had already started heading to my room as they heard my scream even in church. I was shaking uncontolably as Snake, Venom and Viper came into the room with some of the other guys behind them. The note which said i'm going to finish what Mikey started so be warned and i don't care how much protection you have you are going to be mine was on the floor. Viper and Venom seen me in Demon's  arms and both growled at Demon, "want to let her go", said Viper. Demon retorted with not really  making them both start towards us. I did not want anymore shit so i moved outta his arms i took two steps towards them but ended up fainting.

I awoke to someone wiping my forehead with a cold cloth. When i could open my eyes Venom was there beside me than he turned and yelled to the open doorway Vipe she's awake. Viper came into the room stalking towards us and they both looked at me and said, " you are on lockdown no more bullshit you scared the shit outta of us woman"; i just nodded and layed back down and rested some more. I was getting hungry so the guys said they would take me out for a early dinner we went to the restuarant close to the clubhouse that was owned by the club  in case there was any problems. It was nice to get out for abit and the guys were actually good company. We got back to the clubhouse and had some drinks i was feeling pretty good and decided to ask the guys if they wanted to watch a movie with me in my room after. Viper and Venom both said sure so we went back to my room got comfy and started to watch the movie i of course fell asleep during it. I awoke in the morning to my jeans off and both guys sandwhiching me in on the bed, hmm i could get used to this i thought and lucky i have a king size bed. The guys started to stir and noticed i was awake both both of them saying morning beautiful, that is when i attacked. Viper first than Venom i just had to they were so gorgeous laying there in just their underwear. Wow they both have big dicks, i mean real big. We kissed, we licked and once i had a chance to have both of them inside me i was satisfied. I think the whole clubhouse probably heard me scream wow the amout of orgasm's i had i couldn't help it. They were both so talented in between the sheets i was in heaven.

We went into the shower and after shower sex we decided to go out for breakfast. We walked into the family room at the clubhouse and Snake told the guys, "good luck now i get to laugh when you want to rip your hair out because she won't do as she is told". Yup i guess the guys all heard us going at it, the guys said,"naw she will do as she is told or she will spend alot of time tied to the bed which is fine with us". I just gave them both the finger and i said,"try it and see how you like sleeping alone, just because we had sex does not mean you can boss me around". Oh but baby it does Viper responded as i was walking away. The rest of the day i spent keeping busy at the clubhouse. I was doing my shift at the bar tonight only because Demon was going to be my bodyguard and a couple of prospects. Well it was just before closing and it was really busy still i went to the back room to get more beer for the front. I was just inside when a hand closed over my mouth and steel like arms had me plastered against a hard chest. This person was huge by the feel of him i was struggling as best as i could then i felt a prick in my neck and i felt myself being thrown over this huge mans shoulder after that it was lights out.


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