His Property (ManxBoy)

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I woke up in my room. The air feeling stone cold. Oh god... I thought. Something is wrong. Slowly rising, I placed my feet on the ice cold floor. Shivering as the last of my blanket clung to my bed. Sighing I took three steps toward the bedroom door. Hearing feet shuffle across the floor, I jumped back to my bed and hid. Maybe it was just mum or dad coming to check on me. Just then I hear 'Oh no I woke the poor boy.' It was just dad the whole time. Getting back up, I opened the door and walked to him and mum.

"Mum. Dad. It's frigid in here." I said, sounding sort of sick. They looked at me as if I was a little kid again.

"The heater is on sweetheart." My mother looked at me wallowing in pity. After a few minutes I blacked out.


I woke up in a white room wearing a...Dress? Should I Panic? Was all I could think at the moment. Looking around a little more, I realized I was in the hospital. That's when a doctor walked in.

"Oh. You're awake. I'll call your parents in." Soon after he called them in they came to me. Embracing me into warm loving hugs. I just smiled to myself. They started to explain what happened to me and i sighed. What's wrong with me? I thought. This has been going on for quite sometime now. Like two weeks

. I wasn't aloud home from the hospital for three weeks all I did was sat there and watched cartoons.


Today was the day I was released from the hospital. Feeling brand new. Also, dad said I can go to any concert of my liking witched made me happy. I was glad to smell fresh air. Better then the smell of bed pans and death. It's good that I can finally be normal. Finally. I thought. I can hang out with friends at a concert of my liking. Smiling at my thoughts, I got out of the car and walked into the house where mum was cooking. Lasagna, yes! 

"Welcome home, Roman." She smiled, kissing my cheek and hugging me slightly tight. It seems like forever since I've seen my parents. Good thing I'm home now because I thought I was going to go insane with people checking up on me every ten seconds.

"Hi mum." I answered hugging her. She walked back into the kitchen and I sat on the couch. Turning on the TV, I switched the channel to Cartoon Network, and watched Adventure Time until dinner was ready. Dad walked in a sat next to me.

"So, how was the hospital?" He asked. Like he didn't already know.

"It reeked of death and bed pans." I Answered, cuddling into him as if he was my real father. He smiled as I did so.

"Well that's a hospital for you." Mum butted in. "Dinner  is ready!" She sang. I ran to the table, smiling as she served dinner to us. My dad chuckled to himself at my childish actions, making me blush. We both started to dig in while mom at the right way.

You see, I came from a bad home at the age of five. When it was my 13th birthday, I was finally adopted by my 21 year old parents. That was at least six months ago and I feel at home. My mum and dad  treat me like I am actually theirs which makes me happy. They also say I am the only kid they want. All  though they could be my siblings, I don't care. To me they are mum and dad. They take perfect care of me.

After dinner, I decided to lay in bed on a full stomach and watch TV. I ended up falling asleep, mum and dad came in and awed, turned off the TV, and kissed me goodnight.


Okay, this may or may not turn into a fan fiction. If so, it will be quite obvious. Yes, I am sorry for deleting other books, but I've had this Idea for awhile and don't want to get distracted while writing this one. I wan t to make this book perfect and likeable so I cant get distracted.

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