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I woke up to my dad shaking me. Telling me its time for my first day at a new school.

"Wake up Roman. Time for school." Groaning, I thought... why do I have to go to hell and they don't? You see, I'm not very liked.

I sit alone at lunch, or spend free time in the time library. Reading books that describe what I want my life to end up like. The only difference is I want to end up with a guy. My dad, to be exact.

But, at school I do have my eyes on someone. That's a whole different story though.


I slowly got to my feet and stretched. My dad cupped my face and kissed my forehead.

"I'm going to give you a ride." he said, "Get ready so you can eat breakfast." Smiling, he walked out. ...yay! I thought...Time alone with him!

Grabbing clothes and underwear, I went to the bathroom and got in the shower.

After, dried off and got dressed, I walked downstairs to a wonderful smell of pancakes. I smiled and thought...Today may be a good one...

I walked over and hugged my mom. She kissed my forehead, smiled and sighed.

"Mommy, are you okay?" I asked. Using the word 'mommy' makes her smile.

"Well Roman, I have to go on a business trip." she said," For a month."

"Oh..." was all I could say. ... it's awkward when he and I are alone... I thought. I'd like my mom there with me so it's not.

"At least we get time together. Right?" my dad butt in. I smiled aimlessly as mom served breakfast.

"Sorry I won't be here when you get home from school, but I'll make you cookies for an after school snack!" she flashed me a smile.

Smiling, I ate in silence. Along with my parents. After eating, I sat at the bottom step of the stairs and filled my backpack. I sat there waiting for dad to say we were leaving. I thought ...I hope I don't flirt... oh god Ro don't flirt...

Awhile after waiting, we said our goodbyes and left.

Off to hell I go.

{A/N}: Okay, it took forever to write this because I had no ideas. I'm happy with the results I got. So thank you loves! Great feed back on this story and I thank you so much for that. You're all the best milkshakes ever. ❤ and I apologize about this chapter being so short.

If you have any ideas, kik me at


Thank you Milkshakes.

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