Josh and his Cooking

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It was a long day yesterday. I lost both of my parents. Josh and Tyler were kind enough to let me stay with them for a little while until I could pay for an apartment. I slept peacefully dreaming about Tyler and Josh in a spare room they had. Soon, I woke up, sat on my bed and continued to draw. I was almost done. Then suddenly I smelt bacon and eggs cooking downstairs. I heard footsteps so I pretend I was still sleeping. Tyler walked in, and walked over to my side. 

"She's so adorable when she sleeps." He said in awe. He kneels next to me and caresses my face. The smell hits him too. "mm Bacon" He stands back up and walks downstairs leaving the door open. 5 minutes later I get up and tiredly walk downstairs. 

"Morning sleepyhead." Josh confronts and handing me my plate.

"Just in time." Tyler smiles. I blush. I sit at the table and eat my bacon first. "That's what I do, I eat my bacon first. Josh makes this a lot." I moan in my bite. 

"This is delicious!" I say in awe. "Your a great cook Josh!" 

"Thanks. I took cooking class in high school." He replied. Then he finally sits down with Tyler and me. 

"Thank you again guys for taking me in. This is a dream come true!" I thank. "My friends will never believe me." I blush. 

"Oh, its no problem." Josh and Tyler smile. 

"SO, what's your favorite song?" Ty asks. 

"Holding Onto you. It came out on my bday." I reply. Josh and Tyler look at each other. 

"Are you the girl that watched us go live?" Josh questioned. 

"Oh yeah!!" I remembered. The both laugh. I can't believe I'm staying with Tyler and Josh. And Their both cuter In person! I finished eating so I went back upstairs to draw. What if I have a crush on both of them? I mean, Ty is single, or taken i don't know. Josh is totally single. Then Tyler walked in.

"Hey Again." He greets. 

"Oh. Hi." I reply. He sits on the bed with me. 

"You are an amazing artist." he Compliments. 

"Thanks. Not many of my friends think so." 

"Then they're not friends. If they don't love me, then they aren't." He jokes. I laugh. "Beautiful voice too." 

"Oh, Heh, Thanks." 

"Wanna see something?" I nod. He takes out a notebook. "This is my diary. I write in it when I feel lonely or out of place." 

"Oh.. Cool. You do have Bipolar Depression?" 

"Well.. Yeah if you put it like that." He says sadly. "I struggle a lot. Luckily I have Josh. He's my bestfriend." 

"I know." I smile.

Tyler is so adorable. Will I ever be good enough for him? Or Josh?

Holding Onto You- A Twenty one pilots fanficWhere stories live. Discover now