Chapter Three

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"So... what I'm hearing is that you came all the way from France for my seventeenth birthday? The one year after the 'sweet sixteen' and the 'year you technically are an adult even if you can't drink alcohol'? The year no one cares about?" Disbelieve was evident in his words even if he had to keep his eyes on the road so they could successfully make their way home (Alexandra's home, to be specific).

"Oui, of course. That is exactly why I came: because it is the year no one thinks of. I will more than likely not be here for you eighteenth," He said, in the passenger seat.

Hamilton let out a bark of laughter at her friend's thought process.

"Okay, Laf, whatever you say," Jefferson laughed. They were going back to Hamilton's house, much to his distaste. The two opponents weren't being civil, per se, they were more... not paying attention to the detail that they were in the same car and not verbally mutilating each other.

If they pretended there wasn't a problem, then it was much easier to just go with it, and not cause stress for their visiting, mutual friend.

Fast-paced, pop violin/piano flew through the scratchy radio of the old-fashioned car. Hamilton remembered the tune from somewhere, but she couldn't put his finger on it. Seeking her brain, she almost didn't hear Lafayette's strangely neutral sounding question.

"What was that?" She asked. Alexandra saw Jefferson's finger's gripping the steering wheel till they were drained of their blood and were much lighter.

"I was wondering when the funeral was?"

The short woman froze. Bugger, she had no idea, too caught up in her own little world to think about things like that. She had left Angelica with all the responsibility and had run off, adding more to her Mt. Everest of worries.

"I - I don't know. I never thought about it," She was rapidly increasing the rate at which she spoke. "I was just my regular stupid self and ran off without giving anything else any consideration." Her admission was met with silence from the other two passengers.

The usually swift - thinking Thomas was met with a brick wall of surprise. Hamilton, the woman who was always so sure and confident about herself, saw herself as an idiot. He would understand why she said it if it was just for this incident, but Alexandra had said, 'regular', as in, 'every day'. It was, to some degree, distressing. The way he had viewed Hamilton for the past three years was changing in forty-eight hours.

Lafayette was also troubled at his small lioness's pessimistic comment. "Non, non, Alex. If I had known, I would not have troubled you for a ride. And you are not stupide, no, never stupid. Unthoughtful, rash, oui, but under no circumstances are you stupid."

Alexandra blushed at her friend's statement and nodded, but, when Thomas accidentally met her eyes in the mirror, they told another story.


"Alright," Alexandra, with her head poking out from behind the door. "You're good, come on in. Angelica should be at work, Eliza and Peggy at school. We have a couple hours before they come home. Until then, we could watch a movie or something."

As soon as she finished, Gilbert shouted out, "I want to see James Bond, the people who made these are incroyable. It is the classic le Américain movie."

Alex, without batting an eye, smirked and said, "I know, I heard you jacking off to the more explicit scenes, moaning, James."

Lafayette's face had gone aflame, reaching all the way to his ears. "Why you pervertir!" He cried. "That - That - You were never supposed to hear that! Thomas, do you see what I have to go when I deal with this assaut arrière? It is agony!"

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