For Ever After Effect - Forgotten Heroes

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Forgotten Heroes

If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten

Rudyard Kipling

As the darkness enveloped the world so did the night slowly fall onto the path of a young prince. The story I am going to tell you is a long lost legend, of heroic deeds, love and camaraderie. It all started somewhere in the desert as a prince all dressed in white, with his face covered by a hood was traveling on his white horse towards home. A lovely city built around an oasis that is set at the base of a small mountain right in the middle of a large desert. After a long and tiring trip he finally reached his destination. Approaching a golden gate decorated with gems of all colors, he is stopped by one of the guards.

 - Stop there traveler, said a soldier, with what business do you wish to enter?

 - I am coming home to see my father, the Emir. Said the young Prince

-  Price Razin please forgive me I didn’t recognize you.

 No harm done, please I have been away for a long time could someone help me, the streets don’t look the same.

-  Immediately sir I will bring you a guide. 

A few minutes later a captain with a dozen guards greeted the young prince.

- We are happy to see you home and well our prince. Said the captain. Please let use escort you to the royal palace.

- There was no need to bring with you all these guards please send them back home.

 - But my prince there here for your protection.

- Captain there is no need for guards, in my one city.

- You don’t understand my prince, something has happened while you were gone. Let’s get you to the palace and I will explain on the way as best as I can. Said the Captain

- I am gone a few years and everything falls apart, please tell me what’s new. Said Prince Razin

- Well everything started when the palace lighted up in one night a few weeks ago. Some of the priests started saying that a portal opened and that was just the start of all of it. People started to freak out; some of the priests lead revolts all over the city to overturn your father. Said the Captain

- I see the place is a bit trashed up. I think here was a temple the last time I was around here on this street. Near that fountain, in the middle of this intersection, me and my friends used to play or make pranks on the priests or on anybody that passed by.

Now I can’t hear the noises of the crowed, the laughter of kids, the temple is burned down … now I see a couple of angry people coming this way. And if I am not mistaken those aren’t torches or pitchforks those are swords and spears. Said the Prince

- Let’s leave my Prince and fast. Said the Captain

- Get him that must be prince Razin. Saied one of the angry men

With a quick and sharp move the prince jumped off his horse and into the middle of the guards.

- Try not to kill them. He ordered

- Men you heard the Prince, defensive positions.  Shouted the Captain

As the Captain ordered his men the eyes of the mob turned burning red and a mysterious grey mist surrounded them. Leading them was a priest all in black with a large cane from which a light as red as the eyes of the people came. 

-  Captain take care of the mob, I will have a little chat with the priest. Said the Prince

He ran straight thought the angry people, closer and closer to each and every one closer and closer to each of these sharp weapons. As soon as he reached the priest, he pulled out his sword and with a flick of the wrist he took a swing at him. The cane blocked the blow but it got broken, in that moment the spell that was over the poor men was broken. Prince Razin left as soon as the squabble was over, the soldiers arrested the priest as soon as he was on his feet.

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