All I Wanted Was You

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A/N: Okay, so the last chapter was really short, and I apologize. Hopefully, you guys haven't made any guesses as to what might happen in the future. No, Sienna is not dead. I promise me telling you that she isn't dead is t ruining the end. But anyways, hopefully, this chapter can be a bit longer.

Again, sorry if things seem rushed! It's difficult writing a fan fiction to the lyrics of a song.
*Sienna's P.O.V.*

About a week ago, I told Ricky that I had Leukemia. It was such a relief knowing that he wasn't going to leave me. It was the one thing I feared above all else. All I wanted was him. Not anybody else. Today Ricky and I had to stay at the hospital. I was having an MRI and bone density check, as well as have blood drawn. It was a tiring process, but luckily, I had Ricky here with me to make it better. It was currently 9:00 a.m., and we had just finished eating breakfast.

"Hey, what time is your MRI?" Ricky wondered. I had to get my MRI done first.

"9:30 a.m., so about 30 more minutes, " I answered, flashing him a TIRED smile. I didn't get very much sleep last night. I was here at the hospital overnight as well, and throughout the night, nurses would come in and do my vitals. I hated vitals, but not nearly as much as I hated MRIs. I've had tons of MRIs done, and I got super anxious whenever I had to get one done. You were only allowed to wear one layer of clothing inside the machine. Before you headed inside the room where the machine was set up, you had to rid yourself of anything metal. The large machine was like a magnet, so to avoid having it forcibly removed by the machine, the nurses made you remove the metal before hand. The space inside the machine was small, like you were inside a coffin. The machine was loud and sounded similar to a washing machine. A nurse sat you down on a hospital bed attached to the machine before handing you a pair of ear plugs. When the machine took pictures of your brain, it was incredibly loud and sounded like dial-up internet. Once you had the ear plugs in, the nurse would have you lie down on the hospital bed and strap your head down inside of a helmet like concoction. There wasn't really a way to describe it. Once your head was strapped in and covered by a clear plastic attached to the "helmet," you'd have to put your arms by your side and the nurse would lie a blanket over you that reached from just below your chest down over your feet. You couldn't wear any shoes inside the machine either. The bed that was attached to the machine would slowly rise up, jerking with each move as it slowly pushed you up and into the machine. Once you got inside the machine, the only movement you could make was to blink and breath. It was even better if you keep your eyes closed and not have to blink at all. You had to stay inside the machine for about 20 minutes.

"Are you ready for your MRI, Sienna?" My doctor, Dr. Miller asked. His voice pierced through my thoughts, and my head snapped in the direction of his voice. I nodded, and I stood from my bed. I put on my bedroom shoes and laced my fingers with Ricky's.

"You can do this. It'll all be over soon, " he whispered. I looked over at him and smiled, giving his hand a gentle squeeze.

*After the MRI*

Once I was back in my all too familiar hospital room with Ricky, I looked at the clock to see it was 10:00 a.m. I sighed at how painfully slow the day was going by and yawned.

"Sleepy?" Ricky chuckled. I nodded and closed my eyes, patting the spot next to me. I heard him shuffling around and the bed dip beside me. I opened my eyes to see Ricky sliding under the hospital blankets beside me. I slid over to allow him more room before the two of us got comfortable in each other's arms. He had his arms wrapped around my waist, bringing me impossibly closer to him. I allowed an arm to drape over his waist as my head rested on his chest. The soothing sound of his beating heart made me sleepier.

"I love you,  " I mumbled. I listened as his heart beat sped up, sending butterflies down to my stomach.

"I love you too, " he returned. It was my heart's turn to speed up. It was our first time saying 'I love you' to each other, and even though we were lying in my hospital bed together, it was special. The memory was one I'd never forget. He picked up one of his arms to caress my cheek, leaving a small kiss on my forehead. His arm snaked back around my waist as we fell into a peaceful slumber.
*3 Hours Later/After Lunch*

It was now 1:00 p.m., and I was about ten minutes away from my bone density check. I've had many of those as well, and they were one of the quicker and easier things to do. It only took about five minutes, and the only prep you have to do before hand was take off your shoes and jacket. You were only allowed one layer of clothing, so no jackets or shoes. For the bone density check, all you did was lie down on this bed that attached to a small machine that used radiation to check your bone density. The radiation wasn't anything serious, so you didn't have to wear a mask, protection, or be in a quarantined room while the test was going on. You just lied down. Of course you had to be still, but it wasn't as bad as an MRI. For an MRI, you had to be still so the pictures of your brain wouldn't be blurry. If you moved during a bone density test, it wouldn't change the effect of the picture. Anyways, the machine was small. It was a thin, stick-like figure in he shape of a semicircle. It would slowly move up and down your body from the chest down. I'm five minutes, the test would be over, and you could leave. It took a while for the results to come back, but I didn't mind waiting.

"It's time for your bone density check, " Dr. Miller stated, interrupting my thoughts once again. I looked at him and nodded like earlier, repeating the process I had done just that morning.

*2 Hours Later*

"Ricky, I'm bored, " I sighed. It was only 3:10 p.m. He looked at me and chuckled.

"How about a walk around the courtyard?" He suggested. I smiled.

"That sounds lovely, " I agreed. Before I had a chance, he grabbed my wheelchair. I wasn't allowed to do much walking today, so I had a wheelchair in case I got bored and wanted to roam. I sat in the wheelchair, pulling my hospital blanket off of the bed to cover my body. Ricky stood behind me and started to push me down the hallway towards the elevator. Once we got down to the courtyard, Ricky found a shaded area to sit with me. I could hear car horns, leaves rustling, and vehicles passing by.

"It's so beautiful out today, " I smiled, taking in a deep breath before letting it all out.

"Not as beautiful as you, " Ricky responded, lacing our fingers together once more. I felt my cheeks get hot and looked down into my lap to avoid his gaze. His free hand lifted my chin up, making my eyes met his.

"Don't. You're cute when you blush, " he smiled, making me melt inside.

"I love you, " I replied.

"I love you, " he respected, kissing  my lips gently. All I ever wanted was him, and I feel beyond lucky to have him.
A/N: Wow! This is the longest chapter I've written so far! Anyways, I tried to be a bit more detailed and things like that.

This chapter was super easy to write, considering I've had an MRI and bone density check for my anxiety tremors (severe shaking). Anyways, all is good with me, and I hope you liked the chapter!

And TWO updates! Not ONE, but TWO!

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