gets happy again.

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Charles thinks of his time with Camilla. They have fun with each other. Diana is just one thing on his mind. Diana is hoping to see Khan. He makes her world more okay. James Hewitt has talked with her. Charles gets a letter from Dodi al Fayed. He is inviting Diana to Paris to see his Great Uncles house. Charles has a feeling something could happen to his wife. /only if I can go.Charles/ He knew something deep down would happen. Charles decided to invite Will and Harry and the rest of his family. Diana got a letter from Dodi al Fayed. She accepted the letter and felt like she was going have a big group with her. Charlotte, Elizabeth, and Edward are coming with her. The nanny will watch them for her. She gets her bags packed for the trip. She sees all of her husbands family and friends. Then sees her friends and her sister Sarah. Diana gets in the car with the kids and Charles.Will and Harry get on the plane with them.Anne feels like they were invited for a reason. The courtiers are even there. Diana shakes Dodi's hand. He gives it a kiss.

Charles glares at Dodi. His father Mahomand shows up."Welcome Princess of Wales." he said. The Queen grabbed Diana's hand and took her back to Charles. Charles decided that bringing the bodyguards wasn't such a bad idea after all. "Thank you Mohmand. I see Dodi is doing alright." said Diana. They went to a boat he owned and they went to be outside in it. Diana is enjoying herself. Charles is holding her hand. Charles looks to see the press taking pictures of them."Let them have their photos." he thought. Charles saw Camilla look worried."She just doesn't understand right now. This feeling is something like warning me." thought Charles.Will likes being out in the son. He thinks this big boat is cool to be on. They are just hanging out and talking. He is only getting annoyed by the press. They keep taking pictures of them all. His mom has been going swimming.Diana feels like she is having fun. William has been following her for some strange reason. Dodi has been happy to do this with her. They are going go to the Ritz.Charles is going with her. The court for some strange reason has been following her where ever she goes.

Charles feels like the strange feeling is going happen tonight. He stays with Diana every moment. The bodyguards are guarding the entrance. Every entrance actually. He just has this bad feeling.The car Dodi has arrived in is a nice one. His father has been starring at him worried.His mother is looking scared at him. The siblings he loves are even off looking their epressions not normal. Diana notices her in laws are somehow nervous. Will and Harry are even looking nervous. Dodi asks her to go with him in his car. Then the queen said no. Diana feels like she has a reason for that. When they all go back to where they are staying. They hear that Dodi narrowly missed a cement pillar.

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