Diana knew she had to keep going. "Edward is married to Mary of scots now. She was married to others with infleunce.Mary is married to Phillip II of Spain." said Diana."Catherine's parents are back as well. They are rulers of Spain.The nephew is back and was Holy roman emperor.Their countries have been informed of their returns.Phillip II of Spain is even back.""Mary of Scots has her other husbands back.His daughters spouses are back.Along with their children." said Diana.Richard is thinking on this,Diana is right.Tudor could get him alliances with other countries.The countries have to help their royalty.They only know the royal life.Their family members that are dukes are even back.Richard needed a peace treaty.Diana handed him one.Henry is shocked.The treaty would allow their families to finally have peace.Richard had signed it.Henry is worried,Elizabeth has his hand and nods.He signs the paper and feels relaxed.They now talk with each other.Diana sees Henry Stuart. He is with Mary queen of Scots.Stuart is looking at her.He must think that his son will show up.Diana watched as he yelled at Mary.James has been hidden in the crowd.Henry is wondering what to do about his family.They have been very calm. Jane Seymour is looking for her son.
Diana now has Jane Seymour as a lady in waiting. The woman doesn't leave the house.The Queen wants her with someone she can be calm with.Boleyn is at the court.Diana knows Seymour means well.The woman just keeps to herself.Diana is teaching Seymour how to be a modern woman.Boleyn has been sent back to serve her as well.Diana has Boleyn work in the kitchen. Seymour is coming with Diana on a tour to India.Edward V is coming with them as well.Diana gets ready for the tour.Seymour needs time to see the modern world.They get in the plane.Edward IV is coming to watch his son.Seymour just stares out the window.Diana has been thinking of how to be dressed. She gets ready and puts on the right clothes.Seymour is susprised at what they have to wear.Diana has her follow the rest around India.Diana talks with the president of India.They have a wonderful time. Then Diana walks in neighborhoods. "Hi, hello." she said."Thank you all."The day is busy for them.Diana walks and grabs hands.She shakes the person's hand.Seymour starts doing it as well.When they go to the plane, they get to relax.Seymour looks tired and is sewing something.Diana smiles.
Boleyn is still working in the kitchen.The queen decided to give her another chance.Boleyn looked at Diana and she nodded. The queen mother she would be serving.Boleyn starts to think if you greet a royal like you did back when she was alive.She curtised at the queen mother."Come in." she said.Diana is learning from her the proper way to be the queen.Boleyn knows that she has a lot to learn. The queen mother is watching how court goes.George VI is staying with her always.Boleyn loves that they have a relationship with each other.She learns modern manners for court.The others are happy at what they see.Boleyn is keeping an eye on how others act.

The Princess of Wales
ФанфикWhat if Charles wouldn't divorce Diana. He refused she be stripped of the title she had with their marriage. What if he refused to have her leave their marriage.