Mary as we all know is a magnificent angel. She have given birth to Jesus and loved hi ever since he was born. But here is some background knowledge or already known knowledge. Mary has married Moses in which they created Jesus that God has taken actions to claim him as his own son.
Mary is very spiritual and loving to all humans. She is considered "Mother of God". As majority of us all know the Mary prayer, some don't, so let's just remind them. "Hail Mary full of Grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed are thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus. Holy Mary Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death Amen". She could also represent that women could be strong and independent. She is role model for all including me. She blesses us with so much love and cherish. Please watch the video below 😊.
This particular video shows how all the powers that Baby Jesus has. It says the phrase "Mary did you know?" quite often. This phrase basically it telling Mary if she knew her son would rule all, or be apart of God in his kingdom of Zion. Now we all know that Mary is not just the mother of Jesus, but also the a role model for women to be strong and independent, not only just that, but she is full grace.
To many Mary would be considered a saint, but some would just consider her as just the mother of Baby Jesus. She is more than just that, she is also the spouse of Moses and the grace giver. She gives grace to people who deserve it or for who works hard for it.
I don't know if you had heard this already but 99.9% of the world becomes a millionaire from hard labor. The other 0.1% just lives with parents as they give them all the money, no hard work, no grace. So in order to get grace or blessed (which you already are) you have to pray, go to church, at least do a random act of kindness (paying a toll for someone in the back) or hard labor. God bless all that have been reading this part of my book, means a lot to me.
You Don't Have Much Time
SpiritualThis book contains things or category's about God, Jesus and all the other Saints and Angels. If you don't believe in God, I highly suggest this book to you. It will show you how to love somebody without spending a single penny.Amen.