Chapter One: Leaving for Hogwarts

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“Hurry up, we haven’t got all day, Ria.” I glared at him.  You’d think that only a week to prepare for a new school seemed a little close, and that wasn’t even counting the funeral.  I sighed; I didn’t believe that my parents were dead, just missing in action.  I guess you could say I wasn’t your average American teenager.  I have long black hair that fell down to my upper waist in soft waves.  My eyes are a sharp grey that seemed to flash when I was angry, or at least that’s what everyone said.

            “Ugh, I’m coming all ready, Rob.”  Rob was the annoying son of my new guardian…my previous butler.  It was odd, I know, for me to have a butler, let alone a guardian butler, however in my parents’ will it had clearly said who they wanted to take care of me.  Mike, my butler…er guardian, was a really nice person, and I tried not to take advantage of him.  The truth was he was a pushover, to him I wasn’t a child in his care but his previous employers’ daughter.  Mike was a good man though, and he never tried to trick me out of my money, not that I would fall for it anyway.

            Rob was another story.  As soon as he realized he was now my, I gagged as I thought this, older brother, he had tried to get as much money as he could.  His excuse was we were family and I had to help him and give him things.  Whenever I would ask what he would give me, I received a glare or silence.

            I went back to packing, and just as I finished stuffing the last of my books into my trunk, there was a sharp noise at the window.  I looked out and saw Airn, my peregrine falcon, with a note tied around his leg.  Curious, I opened my window and let him in.  He pecked my finger affectionately and flew to his temporary perch in my room.  I turned over the envelope and saw the Hogwarts seal.  I opened the note,

Ms. Fyorai,

            I am pleased to hear that you have chosen Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to further your career as a young witch.  I would like for you to meet me in my office the day after the Sorting so that we may choose your classes for the year.  I hope you will find Hogwarts to your liking.


Albus Dumbledore

            I was only 13, but I was going to be a fifth year at Hogwarts.  My parents had home schooled in magic since I was ten, and Dumbledore had tested my magical knowledge.  He had decided that fifth year would be best for me.  Although I was home schooled in magic, my parents had still expected me to go to a Muggle middle school.  I didn’t really mind, I loved to sketch and my school had really good drawing/sketching/painting classes.  I thought how different the two styles of teaching were, different things were useful for the different worlds, of course.  I sighed (I’d been doing that a lot the past few days), I’d miss my Muggle friends in Jersey.  One good thing about moving to England would be the British accents, but that still wouldn’t make up for leaving my home.

            Well, I’d already bought the basic books for fifth year Herbology, Charms, Potions, Transfigurations, and Defense Against the Dark Arts.  The other books I would get after I’d decided which classes I was going to take.  That’s it, guess I’m ready for Hogwarts…

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