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"Xander get out of the shower now!" I knocked on my bathroom door. Ugh this boy definitely knows how to get on my nerves first thing in the morning. I glance towards the clock on my bedside to see it was already 7:20 a.m.

Goddamit now I have to look at Mr. Clark's scrumpy face when he hands me the late slip. That man needs a wife for pete's sake!

Honestly, what is he doing in my room anyway? It's not like we deprived him of a room of his own that I'm pretty sure has a bathroom attached to it. Unless it's like an episode of Extreme Cheapskates and people pee in bottles to apparently save water. Gross.

This day is not going well for me at all. For starters, I woke up extremely late. Two, my favourite shirt had a hole in it and now I've been forced to wait just to use my own bathroom!

I knocked a few more times when suddenly the door of the bathroom opened to which I nearly face-planted on the floor. Huffing, I recovered from the slip and now my view was of a boy, casually brushing his teeth with no sense of urgency at all.

"Wassup sis?" he said smiling. I gave him a scrutinizing gaze and I could feel a vein protruding on my forehead. If this were a cartoon, there would be steam coming out of my ears right now with that weird ship horn sound effect.

"Well 'wassup' is your butt in detention!" Xander needs to leave now. "And by the way, what are you doing in my room?! This is trespassing of private property you dimwit!" I seethe.

"Okay, okay! Jeez woman chill out. I only used your bathroom because mine was out of toothpaste and soap. Besides, it isn't your time of the month yet... right?" he said and sprinted out of the bedroom. I'll get you soon dweeb.

After getting cleaned up, I changed into a pair of dark wash jeans and a red flannel over my black tank top. When I went to grab my bag, I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror which I instantly regretted. My hair which on most days that looked tame and calm, decided to go with a more exotic look today.

It looked like a bird's nest.

With time clearly not on my side, I tie my hair into a messy pony and rush downstairs while yelling for Xander to hurry up.

I went to the kitchen to pick up my lunch only to be startled by the sudden laughter of my parents. The laughter turned hysterical when they saw my reaction which was to land on the floor on my butt. What a great family. Instead of help, I get humiliation.

"Hey honey, come join us for breakfast! I made your favourite, waffles with berries" my mother ushered me over to the dining table. Funny they were still at home when usually my parents were always punctual to work. I crook my head to the side and look at them as if they were out of their mind.

"Mum I have to go to an institution that provides me intellectual substance that I might never use in life just to get a piece of rolled paper on a day I wear a funny robe and hat just to ensure my future as an educated person with a steady job" I grab a peach and start munching on it. Yes, a peach because apples are overrated.

"Wow what awoke the Grumpy Queen so early in the morning? Hun, we forgot you had school because it was our day off" my dad said.

Ah shit, now I feel bad. I walk over to them apologizing and I kissed my dad's head before shouting bye to them over my shoulder. "What's gotten into her?" I heard my dad ask my brother to which he shrugged.

I started the engine of my 1970 Volkswagen Beetle and then grabbed Xander by the ear and force him into the car or not the child will never leave.

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