Chapter Eight: The Door To Our Future

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- LILY -

I abruptly woke to a shrill beeping noise ringing in my ear, frightening me half to death. I slumped over in my sheets, throwing one of my feather pillows at my nightstand table to silence the agonising noise. I groaned in relief, rolling over once more to stumble out of bed. A wide yawn stretched across my cheeks as I rubbed my swollen, sleep encrusted eyes. I dragged my feet across the common room carpet as though there were heavy weights holding me down, staggering my way into the bathroom in my tank top and cotton pyjama pants. It took me almost five whole minutes to strip off completely, before I climbed awkwardly into the shower and unraveled my hair from their dread lock like braids. Dazed, I automatically reached to turned the tap on before adjusting it, and instantly regretted doing so. The icy cold water hit me like piercing knives against my soft skin , and I was suddenly wide awake. A loud, strangled yelp sounded from my mouth before I hastily turned the tap to hot, shivering until it burned me.
Twenty minutes later I stepped out the shower, my dripping wet hair sticking to my back stubbornly. Without glancing in the mirror I wrapped myself in a clean white towel from the shelf and opened the bathroom door, letting the steam from my shower waft into the room. I was greeted Sirius and Remus talking in low voices by the fire, Sirius wearing an altogether unfamiliar, slightly concerned expression.
"Morning boys." I yawned widely, padding across the plush carpet. They turned to me in surprise, any trace of concern clearing.
"Lily-kins! We thought you were - Merlin's left ball sack." Sirius stopped mid sentence and stared at me, his mouth falling open in shock. I froze. His eyes travelled along the length of my body in ways I'd seen men do so in films. I reluctantly looked down to survey the damage and swore underneath my breath, heat flooding my cheeks. Not only was the towel dangerously short, but extremely low cut on my chest. Glancing back up I was met with two gaping teenage boys, staring at me as though they'd never seen a girl in their life.
"This never happened." I said in a strained voice. Remus gave a choked giggle, Sirius dazedly turning to look at him. Without daring to take a third glance, I hurried to my bedroom as fast as I could and slammed the door behind me.
It look me another twenty minutes to get ready, procrastinating ever emerging from my room again. Today my hair fell down my back in delicate waves with a side parting, nails freshly painted with a clear coat.When I finally left for breakfast and gradually reached the great hall, everyone was already present, eating and chatting. I sat myself as far away from the boys as possible, which ended up being next to Alice and Frank; who were only getting more and more smitten.
"Morning." I said to them brightly, pouring myself a steaming cup of coffee.
"Hiya." Frank replied, offering me a wide smile. I glanced to him amusedly, going over each and every time I'd heard him speak over the last six years. I came to a total of four, snorting silently and thinking that he
must like Alice a hell of a lot.
"Morning Lil." Remus grinned at me from a few heads over. I stifled the urge to roll my eyes. 
"Morning, Remus." I replied weakly, taking a sip of coffee and wincing as the scalding hot liquid burnt my tongue.
"Moony and I were just telling everyone a funny story." Sirius grinned, his eyes sparkling mischievously. Marlene snorted into her porridge. "That towel didn't leave much to the imagination, did it?" He smirked, elbowing Remus in the ribs. "Nice cleavage you've got there."
I felt my cheeks heat.
"Oi." I warned him as Marlene abruptly stopped laughing, turning her head towards a tiny first year that was sitting a few feet away from her. She beamed at the terrified child, diving into a long tangent about firewhiskey. The first year stared at her in shock, fear shining from her wide, blue eyes. Mary was forced to duck her head to disguise her giggles.
"Shut up, Padfoot." James snapped a little irritably, playfully punching him on the arm. Sirius leaned away from him, rolling his eyes.
"You lot take everything so seriously. I'm just messing with you Lil." He winked. "But, blimey, I've got to say...those thighs you've got are - "
He was cut off by a strangled yelp. I grinned triumphantly at the successful stinging hex I'd flung his way, watching in satisfaction as he rubbed his left cheek and pouted. He grumbled something dirty underneath his breath and started on his pancakes. Content, I stowed my wand back into my robes pocket, turning my attention towards the stack of toast in the centre of the table. I heard someone give a slightly choked chuckle, and looked up to see James; a slight pink tinge complimenting his cheeks, to my utter surprise. He scratched his left eyebrow, looking rather embarrassed. I watched as he nudged Sirius in the bicep and muttered something in his ear. He snorted loudly, his shoulders shaking from the effort, and leant over to pass it on to Remus and Frank. Whatever Sirius had said caused Remus to choke on his pumpkin juice and almost fall backwards out of his seat. He spluttered on his laughter and Mary snorted at him, which of course made poor Moony blush beet red. Frank and Sirius were preoccupied howling with laughter at Remus, smacking their fists on the table while Ali and Marly were giggling at a sheepish Mary. Suddenly feeling James's eyes on me, I averted my gaze and looked down to my empty plate. Unable to prevent the smile that tugged at my lips, I decided that for now, I wouldn't go out of my way to avoid James.
Who on earth had the will power for that?

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