Chapter 1 ~ The Start Of It All

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Remus Lupin was in the Gryffindor Common Room. He was trying to read but he couldn't take anything in. The only thing he could think about was poor Sirius in detention with Professor Cuttleworth.

Professor Cuttleworth was the strictest teacher at Hogwarts and had a huge grudge against Sirius for no reason. Remus thought it wasn't fair. Sirius was the best guy he knew.....and the hottest...and the most handsome.

"Snap out of it Remus!" he told himself hitting his head. He couldn't help think about how cute he was. Anyway..... Professor Cuttleworth was ready to put physical pain on him day or night for no reason.

Remus looked up sadly from his book and ran a hand through his hair. "I hope he's ok" he whispered to himself sadly. "I would kill myself if he ended up hurt....I can't live with myself seeing him go by everyday with all these different girls....hasn't he seen that they are nothing....I would be with him forever" he whispered sadly and laid down next to the fire deep in thought. 

He wanted to be dating Sirius more than anything but nobody knew he was gay. The only thing he did tell was his owl. Owls do keep secrets don't they? He had thought before he told him. It was hard coming out to an owl let alone a real person. He had no chance anyway because Sirius wasn't gay.

He sadly looking at the fire and fell asleep peacefully curled up like a little kitten


Sirius was sat in professor Cuttleworths' office looking around nervously. The professor was smirking seeing that Sirius was already nervous. Sirius gulped and looked at his lap. "Oh come on little Black!" he teased laughing evilly. Sirius looked up flushing with rage. "I'm not little!" he yelled angrily. "Stop saying that I'm little!! Because I am not!" He yelled now slightly annoyed. "Now that's the Black I know" The Professor said smirking.


Sirius limped out after a few hours with scratches, bruises and wounds everywhere! He whimpered as he hopped though the Gryffindor tapestry and fell into an armchair exhausted. Remus stirred from his sleep and looked at him slowly. "Sirius?" he said rubbing his eyes and slowly sitting up. He blinked and stood up slowly. "Oh my god what happened!" he said and ran over to him nervously kneeling in front of him. Sirius sat there quietly looking at his lap. Remus lifted him in his arms and sat on the sofa so he was more comfortable. "No...let me go!" Sirius whimpered and tried getting out of his grip but couldn't. Remus held him tighter and kissed his head not noticing that he did. Sirius blushed fifty shades of red and tried ignoring it. Remus chuckled and stroked his cheek trying to comfort him. " you want to tell me what happened?" he whispered. Sirius looked up at him innocently. "Please?" Remus whispered sadly. "O-O-O-Ok" he stuttered closing his eyes nervously. 

"Well...Yesterday I was in Potions class...and I was trying my best to pay attention! He thought I was doing something wrong so I got detention know...." Sirius said softly shivering slightly and he curled up. "Why are you so concerned?" Sirius asked slightly confused. "I...uuum....You're My Friend...Do you think I like seeing you hurt?" Remus asked softly. "yeah Ok" Sirius said with a chuckle but shuddered. "Why does he only do these things to me?" He muttered. "I don't know" Remus whispered sadly.

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