Chapter 4 ~ Accepting

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Hulloo.... don't hate me *Hides under bed* I can explain....I's...good.... My computer broke so I had nothing no wattpad except for the Ipad but I couldn't write anything on it...then we went on holiday to the Uk.... I wanna go back... any brits reading.... Luv yuus <3 <3 ....and everyone else don't worry :P...any way....that's my explenation....hope that's good enough for you...if not...tough -_- :P haha and so on


Sirius spent the rest of the day with Remus afraid that something would happen. He wasn't in a good mentall state to be left alone and he was almost certain that he would just start thinking really dark thoughts if Remus leaves so he just kept really close to Remus. Yes, this might be weird for Sirius since he was meant to be the tough guy but something had happened to him over the past few weeks.

Remus had noticed that something happened to Sirius and it was worrying him a lot but he was afraid to ask. Sirius had become very protective and attached lately. Remus looked down at him and kissed his head. "Do you want to go get a Butterbeer... Or in your case a Firewhiskey?" Remus asked and gently placed a kiss on his jawline. 

Sirius whimpered at the gently kisses and looked up at Remus. "What were those for?" Sirius chuckled blushing.

"Uuuuuuuuuum... Just because you looked like you needed it" He smiled

"Uuuuh...Rem...I-I-I n-need to t-tell you something" Sirius whispered nervously

"What's up Sirius?" He said a bit nervous himself now.

"I think I might be Bi" he muttered. Sirius looked at him and after hid his face in his hands. "Sorry" he whispered.

"What? Sirius why would you be sorry hun?" ((I think some of you like that ;) ;) )) he said and hugged Sirius tightly. "You don't choose it's just how you feel and who you like." he smiled. "I actually am more attracted to guys than girls but I have gona out with some girls." Remus said and smiled at his coming out.

Sirius was relieved that Remus was this accepting where other people would have said it's a phase. He slowly leaned into his touch smiling. "Thanks" he whispered smiling. "And to answer your quiestion earlier... I wouldn't mind having a firewhiskey... or two" he chuckled.

"We'll see" Remus laughed and stood up slowly. "Come on then" He smiled taking Sirius's hand and helping him up.

Sirius pouted and stood up. "Yay" he teased and poked Remus's cheek smirking.

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