t h r e e

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"Well, i was supposed to be back right now, but we need to talk, alone." Jaehyun seriously said.


The two went in an empty ally because its a deep secret they're going talk about. Which means about Jaehyun and Minki being a Varquillian.

"So why are you still here? I thought you said once that thing was given to someone, you can finally go back to your universe?" Was what Jungkook said once they confirm that they are alone.

"Well that's the problem. They sent me a message that I can't go back until I explained all things to you." Jaehyun said.

"Explain what?" Jungkook asked.

"Explain how your life will going to be and what can happen to you in the future." Jungkook stayed quiet and gesture for him to continue whatever he's going to say.

"Well first of all, you might have not notice but you can control the temperature, you have telekinesis, and many more that you still have found out. I only that you can control the temperature and that you will have telekinesis is because it's the basic thing that every neko have."

"How can I control it?"

"I don't know. You can just look at the book that I gave you. It will have the instructions on how to use your powers."

"Actually I don't need to explain things to you since whatever you need to do is already written in the book." Jeahyun said while walking to where his ship would be.

"Oh, and by the way, expect the unexpected. You'll never know what will happen in the future. Good bye." Jaehyun said for the last time and smiled at Jungkook, which made Jungkook smiled back and waved.

When he can't see Jaehyun's back anymore, he went to where his hyungs should be waiting. When he a silhouette of 6 men he shouted. "Hyungs!"

But his dismay, they are not his hyungs, they just happened to be there when his hyungs we're gone.

"Who are you, kid?" One of the guys said.

"I- uhm, I'm sorry, I thought you're my friends." Jungkook said softly then he bowed to show respect then walked back to the way to where the alley is. But they seem to not like the idea of Jungkook going away because one guy pulled him by his shirt's collar that made him choke and another guy grabbed his wrist and turned him around when the one that pulled his shirt's collar let go.

"You still haven't answer Jack's question. Who are you?" A guy with a blond hair asked harshly to him.

But Jungkook didn't answer. He stayed quiet while looking at the guy innocently. Which made the guy angry. He was about to punch him but the other one with a cherry red hair stopped the guy.

"Wait don't punch him, Christian!" Said the guy.

"Why? Do you know him?" The guy who named Christian said.

"He's just kind of familiar." The red haired guy said again. He walked closer to Jungkook and lifted his face by holding his chin tightly.

"Yeon Ki-ah, this one looks like an idol don't you think?" Hearing his name, the guy who was looking at his phone while smiling looked up at them.

"What?" The Yeon Ki guy said not smiling anymore, not catching what the guy said. Then he noticed Jungkook beside the red haired guy. Yeon Ki examine Jungkook's face and he smiled. An evil one.

"He is." Yeon Ki said, the evil smile in his face not fading.

"Justin, hold him still." Yeon Ki said. "This will be fun" he added.

Jungkook notice what is happening and what is going to happen. He feel scared. He don't know what to do.

The guys started to form a circle around him and started coming closer to him.

His body tensed and so does the temperature.

The temperature started to rise to 40° and up and not stopping.

Then the guys stopped walking to him.

"Why does it feels so hot?" Jack said.

Then guy who's name is Justin let him go and then that's the cue for Jungkook to run away from there.

When he got away, he stopped running. He looked around and found out he is in a park.

He walked to the bench and he sit there to relax.

When his body is relaxed and not tensed anymore, the temperature started to go back to normal.

He stood up and walked to where their dorm is, since he didn't feel like eating anymore after what happened, there no point of going to the cafe.

When he got home, he was startled when someone jumped to him and hugged him right when the door was opened. But then he realised it was Taehyung and just let it be.

When he pulled out of the hug he was surprised when another hug came. And this time it's Jimin.

"I thought we lost you." Jimin said then he felt his shoulder got wet. He pulled from the hug and saw that Jimin is crying.

"How about let's go in first?" Jungkook said then he went in and found everyone panicking, except for Jimin and Taehyung, of course.

"What's happening?" Jungkook asked casually as if he just didn't saw Jimin crying.

And as he said that everyone looked at him.

"Where we're you?!" Jin asked. But he just looked at him as if Jin was crazy. Then when he was about to answer Jin cut him off.

"Whatever your reason is, it must be something important for you. What's important is that you're home already" Jin said without stopping. Then Jin hugged him then Namjoon added, and soon enough they were having a group hug.


A/n: hello! Sorry if this chapter much shorter than the other one but i tried my best! Thank you for the votes and comments! I love y'all!

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