CH 16

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 Brennan's POV 


"I recall every single second of that moment and it still enlightens me in every single way. I never really got to be with Julianna"

"What?! Why?!", my student, Owen reacts standing up from his seat

I took a deep breath for a moment then I continued...

"Later that night," I sigh trying to held back tears "We found out she had leukemia. Stage 3. I remember crying every single night, hoping she would come back, but I guess I was wrong. It was just too late. After she died Caleb and his family eventually left and moved to California to 'Start-a-new-life'. Katie and I never really got a chance to say goodbye and I think that was the most painful thing I ever felt. Losing somebody you love so dearly is like losing a part of you too. I'll never forget Julianna, EVER." I finish just as the bell rings

A smile appeared on my face as I watch my dear students wipe the tears off their cheeks. 

"Class dismissed" I smile at them, they all gave me a hug and scrambled out of the room


I come home from work everyday, still thinking about Annie. Man, the good 'ol days! I was just about to take a seat when the door bell rang. That's odd, I wasn't expecting anyone today but I open it anyway. As I open the door, a warm hug greeted me and surprisingly, I hug the person back. Déjà vu. As I pull away, I came face-to-face with someone who is dearly special to me


"I missed you, bro!" Caleb says with a big smile on his face

"Wow, it's been a while" I smirk

"Yeah, I'm so sorry I drifted away. We were just to hurt, ya know. We were so focused and blinded by what we lost that we forgot we still had you guys" Caleb confessed

"It's okay, I understand. Anyways come inside" I invite Caleb in

"So how's life been?" Caleb asked

"Got to graduate college, found a job and here I am"

"Well I'm proud of you" Caleb smiled

"So what brings you here?"

"I actually came here back just to give this" He says giving me a little box

"What's this?" I chuckle

"You'll see. I really got to go. I'll see you next time" Caleb apologizes

"Oh. Cant you stay any longer?" I say with a sad face

Caleb laughs at my expression and I eventually laugh with him too.

"Well, see you next time" 

I watch Caleb drive off and once again, I'm lonely as hell. I decided I'd just open the box to see what's inside. The first thing I saw was the Bracelet, the one I gave her. And without any hesitations, I let it all out. The next thing I saw was the picture of the two of us. Man, were so young. I wonder what she would have looked like now. Damn, I miss that smile of hers. It's so precious that even when I only see it in my mind, I get the feels. The last thing I saw was a letter, a letter from her. To be honest, I wasn't sure if I should open it, I mean like, what if I should just save it for later but you know what, being Brennan, I learned that it's now or never. Oh boy, here I go...


My Dearest Brennan,

You know you're only allowed to read this if I told you to but if you're reading this without my permission from my family, you're a dead man my friend.

Hey, It's me. that weird ass child you met on a ship. You were the cutest smol bean I have ever seen in my whole entire existence and that scared me, a lot! I didn't want to call you my first love because I knew you hated me, and that's probably why I "hated" you. I remember watching you grow up, get dem hoes and all. I hope I made you laugh Bren. Boy, will I miss that smile of yours. Spending the last 6 months with you, is the worst months of my whole entire life, but I loved it. And I thank you, Katie and Ms Jill for all of that. You don't know how much you mean to me. You were a great brother, friend, sidekick and I am honestly so inlove with you it hurts so bad. I'm sorry if I ever made you feel like I hated you. I'm sorry for being a jerk and breaking your heart. But deep inside, I was dying seeing you happy with another girl, because I love you. I didn't want you to get hurt when I'm gone, that's why I pushed you away. But I never realized I got attached to you and now all that's left now is sadness around you. I apologize. You know, when I found out I had cancer, all I was thinking about was you. I didn't want to tell anyone because I didn't want them to feel too much pain. And now, I have a week left. I never got to thank you for saving me out there. The world can be such a mess my darling, but I know that you, Brennan Michael Donnelly will survive out there and be the best of who you can be and I hope you know that. 

"Her heart was broken so many times that not even time can heal her. That's how broken she is yet you never realized that you were hurting her because you were too damn busy admiring someone else."

I felt that way Brennan, but I guess it's all my fault. I never was worthy of having you. I wasted your time, your life. I wish I could just hug you right now. Kiss you, fall in love with you one last time, even if at the end, it wouldn't be me. I wouldn't be me kissing you at the break of dawn, taking care of you when you get older, be your FOREVER. I hope you do find the right someone. Someone who makes you happy. Live life Donnelly, and never give up on your dreams. I will always love you, no matter what happens. Till we meet again my friend.

                                                                                                                                                        My best wishes,

                                                                                                                                                                Annie <3


I let out a sigh and a smiled like I used to do back when I was with her. That night in the woods. She always would remind me of how special it was, and I'm grateful for that.

"I love you too Julianna...."

------------------------THE END----------------------------

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