Oh my dog! Wait what

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Listen to all of Pokémon's openings! I somehow am obsessed with Pokémon again. XD


After listening

Gesto:This is so cool.


Casey:hehe *typing something on phone*

Gesto:*phone rings* huh?*looks at phone* OMG why sis why.

*Casey's Phone*


Coolgirl345:so cool

Coolgirl345:so cool

Coolgirl345:so cool

Coolgirl345:so cool

Coolgirl345:so cool


Coolgirl345:so cool

Coolgirl345:so cool

Coolgirl345:so cool

Coolgirl345:so cool

Coolgirl345:so cool

Coolgirl345:so cool

PokeGesto123:STOP NOW

Coolgirl345:so cool

Coolgirl345:so cool

Coolgirl345:so cool

Coolgirl345:so cool

Coolgirl345:so cool

Coolgirl345:so cool

Coolgirl345:so cool

PokeGesto123: STOP!!!!!!

Gesto:ahh *tackles*

Casey:ow hey!

Story:ok lol

Melanie:I'm back!

Classic:where's the mouse?

Melanie:no way I'm telling ya dingus!

*door opens*


Asriel:*huff* Guys...*huff* help...Chara

Melanie:wait. What? Chara?

Story:what's going on?

Asriel:*breathes in* Charajustwentoutthenthatflowerappearedandnowhescontrollingher! Get it?!

Melanie:yes. Loud and clear my lad.

Asriel:good. Coz I don't know why Flowey needs Chara .

Melanie:it obvious Azzy.

Ask and dare Storyshift Chara and the Sanses! Part 2 Where stories live. Discover now