interlude (1)

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this/these are the cut parts which I later found out are vital to the plot

so they will explain (hopefully) everything to you :D like Tao's relevance

or Maize's backstory and stuff like that

huehuehue sorry I know this story is extremely "organised" :^)

interlude (1)


What am I feeling? Is this what Mama meant by "never go hungry"? Am I hungry? What is hunger?

If you have had a full meal before then you understand the concept of hunger. But I think the last thing I ate was some other cat's food and the consequences were pretty dire.

I realised too late the food belonged to a collared cat. One that was well-groomed, well-fed and well... Well-protected. I ended up with a few scratches on my face and back but the owner must have hated me very much.

Maybe I am related to the goldfish. I can't seem to recall what I did that made me a

"Bad kitten!"

and made to leave but not without removing something.

She took my claws.

It hurt a lot.

oops sorry for destroying your feels :D

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