Blurting it Out

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Chapter 1 – Blurting it Out

Three days I have known.  For three whole days I've known that I'm pregnant and I still don't know how to tell everyone.  Dr Roberts confirmed what I really should have known.  It seems silly now when I think about it, maybe I should have realised, it's not like I'm the same shy little girl I was a couple of years ago. Food hasn't been tasting right for a couple of weeks and boy do my boobs feel tender, but I had ignored the signs and convinced myself that it was stress from my recent Academy assignment.  When I could no longer ignore the obvious I snuck in to see Dr Roberts whilst at the hospital visiting the babies with Sean.  It turns out that I'm actually 10 weeks along, he gave me some prenatal vitamins and said I need to tell the guys before they start to notice, and it's not like I can hide bigger boobs and a rounded tummy for long. But we haven't talked about having a baby yet, most of us are still only 19. I'm scared of what they'll say.  Do they want a baby yet? Do I want a baby yet? What about Academy jobs, will I have to leave. Will the guys leave me, no, I know they love me.  In fact I'm pretty sure Sean, Luke and Gabriel will be excited.  North, Silas and Nathan will be crazy protective, they probably won't let me do anything for the next seven and a half months. It's Kota and Owen that I'm worried about, have I let them down by getting pregnant.  I know deep down that it's not my fault but still that worry is there. The thing is, I love my little jelly bean already and I want everyone to be happy and to tell me that things are going to work out just fine.

Oh god, how do I tell the leader of our family that we're going to have a baby and that it's his.

I jump when I feel a pair of strong arms snake around my waist. "Hey Aggele, what's cooking good looking". With a sigh I wiggle round to face my Superman and wrap my arms around his waist as I sink into his big warm chest. This right here is what I need, a big safe hug.  Silas lets me enjoy my snuggle all too briefly before he gently tilts my head up so that he can look into my eyes. A small frown pulls at his handsome face. "Aggele, what's wrong?".

Before I get a chance to reply the front door opens with a bang and we can hear Luke, Gabriel and Nathan laughing and joking as they come down the hall.

"Hey Cupcake I'm home. Hmm and it smells like cowboy stew in here. I hope it's ready, us men are hungry". Trust Luke to break the tension. The guys help me to plate up and get everything to the table. It's family night, so we're all here together and the conversation is loud and happy with talk of plans for the weekend. Looking round the table I can hear Sean and Kota talking about going hiking as the weather is going to not be too hot, Gabe interrupts that a few of us need to get some new hiking boots first. Silas and North want to catch the Red Sox game. And Luke is telling Nate a story using wild hand gestures. But it's the quiet man at the end of the table that captures my attention, steel grey eyes burning into mine. And in that moment I know that he knows. His look tells me that I'm not getting out of this conversation. I stiffen and sit up straighter, this is it.

"Gentlemen, I think it is time that Miss Sorenson tells us what is bothering her". The room is instantly quiet at Mr Blackbourne's words. Taking a quick look around the table, every eye is on me. Some shine with concern, others with confusion, but three are smirking at me. Of course I should have realised that Sean and Gabriel would know, they probably both knew before I did.

"Well, you see, the thing is", I nervously start. My finger comes up to hover over my lip, Gabe reaches over and grabs it before I can say anymore. "None of that Trouble, just spit it the fuck out already so I can show you what I have in mind. Shit, I've already made a picture board with furniture designs and colour fabrics and".

"Shut the fuck up Gabe. Why are you talking about fucking decorating, again, when Sang Baby is clearly trying to tell us something".

"Fuck you North, I'm surprised you haven't already worked it out. In fact you're all a bunch of assholes for not knowing already. Doc and Mr B not included".

"Enough. If you would allow Miss Sorenson to continue, I'm sure she will explain. And I agree with Mr Coleman, I'm ashamed that none of you have been paying enough attention to the situation".

"I'm pregnant" on my god I can't believe that I just blurted it out like that. Before I can get my thoughts together, the guys all erupt at once, this is going exactly how I imagined.

I'm scooped up out of my chair and sat on someone's lap. I take a deep breath in and know that it's Victor by his berry and moss scent. Hmm berries, I wonder if we have any strawberries. "Princess, I'm sorry that I didn't know. Mr B is right, we haven't been paying enough attention to you lately. If you let us, we will make it up to you and our baby".  With a gentle touch he spreads his long elegant fingers over my little pooch where our little jelly bean is growing.

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