Day 6.9 Trickery - TORRYN THE ASTOUNDING mercerbear09

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Rumplestiltskin finishes the tale and lets it proceed to the leader. "And that," Rumplestiltskin says, "is why I take children away."

Laughter erupts through the crowd.

"You are more than welcome to try to take mine," Loki calls out. "But you would likely lose your hand."

There's more laughter

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There's more laughter.

You draw closer to the edge, in line now with the leader and the podium. Why are you here, I wonder. It's a question that has bothered me. You were vetted of course. So many told me I could trust you, but I am slow to trust, and I am wondering if you are pulling a trick all your own.

The leader shushes everyone and accepts the vermillion tome. "Enough then, all. But do bear in mind that terrifying children are becoming more effective once again. You can all bear that in mind for your future endeavors. And it true that our own Sun Wukong is among us this night?"

A robed figure rises and gives a polite nod as he removes his hood. Beneath his black robe are cobalt robes of fine silk with intricate designs along the hem.

"We are pleased that the reports of your imprisonment in the Buddha's hand were exaggerated," the leader says.

"They were not exaggerated," Sun Wukong says. He approaches the podium and waits to speak until he removes his own book. It has begun to glow a deep sunset orange. "My skills were underestimated."

There's obviously a good story in there, I'm certain. But knowing the Monkey King, he won't be sharing it until he has smoothed out all the details to perfect dramatic presentation.

"Nonetheless, it is good to have you with us. Present the offering," the leader says.

Sun Wukong stretches out his hand. This book glows beautiful orange as if the very sun is captured within its pages. The smells of a marketplace and fresh straw waft out as the book turns slowly.

"I took this from the mind of a writer by the name of James Fry after my escape. Hear this tale and enjoy it fully."

Torryn the Astounding - @mercerbear09

Torryn took one last look around the raised platform near the crossing of Manor Road and Market Street. Then he stepped down from driving his wagon with his female assistant and his two backstage helpers.

Manor Road and Market Street? he thought. How long did that take to come up with? He had performed in a number of towns, been thrown out of about one in every ten. Distinctive towns with distinctive names could be read, allowing Torryn to get a sense of the type of audience to expect. However, when the prime performing location was the corner of a generic looking town with generic sounding street names, all that told him to avoid his most impressive, reason-defying tricks here without additional interest roused. What a pity. I had a couple of new ones I was going to try out. Unfortunately, generic people would only tolerate a certain amount of imagination. Too much, and they threw you out for not giving them the same entertainment everyone else gave them.

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