Day 9.10 Coincidence - CO-INCIDENCE SleeplessinChicago

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Isadora cringed as another crack of lightning sounded and her tummy did a flip. Truth be told, she was worried about the turn the weather had taken. Tonight they would meet at the bar and get updated on the severity of their situation. She had overheard someone talking about the last time a storm hit this hard. The people had been stranded here for over ten days.

She looked at herself in the mirror and her mind took flight. What she saw reflected was exquisite perfection. Well she would make the most of her stay here. Her creative juices were already flowing and four chapters of her book had already been written. The new book was out of her comfort zone but she welcomed the challenge. Another chapter took root as Isadora glided the brush through her hair.

"Well Isadora, it's time to go and meet everyone else." She said to her reflection. They were all crucial to the plot in her book and she welcomed the opportunity to get to know each and every one of them. Well, to be honest, she also welcomed a white Russian or two. She was always more mellow after one or two drinks.

Isadora stepped out of the room and took a deep breath and headed to the elevator. They were all convening in the bar tonight. Another loud crack of thunder made her head turn towards the window. Yet it was the mirror directly before her that caught her attention. There was her reflection, looking right back. Gone was the image of the sex goddess she had just created in her head. In its place was plain old Isadora Payne and her dark circles. She had read somewhere that all writers had trouble sleeping. She sure as hell did. Her brain never stopped coming up with stories. It became hard at times to shut the brain down when it was in creative mode.

Yet smile spread her lips because she was more than happy to be who she was. A strong woman filled with so many ideas it was hard to sleep at times. That was the reason she found herself stranded in this place. Her second book was in the works and she had yet to come up with a story she felt comfortable with. Yet that didn't stop her brain from coming up with story after story.

The ding of the elevator snapped her mind back into the now as the doors opened reveling a dimly lit hall. A sigh escaped her throat as her feet propelled her forward. Truth be told, Isadora was looking forward to meeting everyone. She had only come across a couple of the guests thus far, but knew more had checked in. "Hark, who goes there?" Isadora clutched her heart and turned as a man exited the room across from where she stood.

"Ah, it is but a fair maiden in search of libations?" A frown marred her features as she tried to figure out who the hell this was. The serious look on his face was replaced with a wide smile before he broke into a belly laugh. "I'm sorry." The man tried to apologize as he tried to catch his breath. "I was given a word a day calendar and Hark, was today's word." He smiled down at her. "I pushed my commitment to the word too far huh."

"Well, maybe a tad bit too much." She agreed and smiled back as he fell into step with her. "Are you heading to the bar too?"

"That's the plan. I heard we were all meeting there for the briefing on what to expect these next days." He scratched his head before looking down at her again. "Do you think we'll be stuck here for long like they anticipate?"

She really wasn't sure. When they entered the bar, her mind started a mental count of everyone in the room. One, two, three. On and on she went until the magic number was revealed. Ten, there were ten people stranded her with her. She took a seat and listened as everyone introduced themselves. It became apparent that they all had one thing in common. In one form or another, they were all writers. "What a coincidence." Or was it? They had no idea that the moment she arrived, her creative juices flowed and they would now be part of the story that started to unfold.

"So Isadora Payne, tell us about yourself." This was her moment. Would she reveal her true self, or will she create an elaborate yet believable story about who she wishes she were?

"I write romance novels. I'm currently working on a thriller. It's very outside the box for me, but I hope it evolves into a great novel." It was time she wrote outside her comfort zone.

"You have a captive audience. Please let us hear what you have so far." One of the women who had just relayed her story asked.

After taking a deep breath Isadora pulled out her tablet and searched for the word document. Would they see the coincidence of her story and their situation? She cleared her throat and began to read.


Casandra looked in the mirror for the umpteenth time that night. Perfection, was what she required. The sound of thunder caused her head to turn as a smile lifted her lips. It was all working out as planned. The weather was collaborating quite nicely. Soon, they would be trapped in this place for days. The moaning sound commenced once more. "You are driving me nuts. I've told you time and time again. All I need, is for you to keep your trap shut for just a while longer." The man went right on moaning, spiking her anger yet again.

He should be grateful and do as he was told. After making her way to the window, a chill ran down her spine. "If the weather is as predicted, it might all be over in under ten days." Casandra Payne walked to the mirror once more and picked up the large kabuki brush.

"I do apologize for getting you wrapped up in this silly game. No pun intended." Her laugh was light as she looked the man in the eyes through the mirror. He was tied to a chair with the help of rope and duct tape. She had been nice enough to set him up with an IV drip. What more did he want?

"Hark. Have I told you what this whole thing is about?" She asked gesturing to their surroundings. "The place is currently filled with people who have wronged me in one way or another. Each one was placed on my revenge list. They do not know each other, yet have one thing in common. Me."

Yes, they would each pay for what they had done. She painstakingly took great care in orchestrating this ruse. It took years of planning to come up with the perfect scenario. The perfect plot. The perfect location in which to achieve the culmination of her revenge.

"Alas, you are but an extra pawn in my plan. That's why you must remain in your room. It must only be us gathered every night. One by one, I will test them to see if they remember the wrong they caused me. Then one by one, my revenge will be exacted." Her laughter caused the man to still.

When her makeup was flawless, Isadora turned and dropped the robe. There was no mistaking the way he took her in. That alone made her laughter reverberate louder in the room this time. Do you like what you see?" The dress slide over her head and hugged her every curves perfectly. "I'll let you in on a little secret. All you just witnessed is an illusion. Not real, but quite fake." His eyes furrowed in confusion.

"Did I forget to tell you one important detail?" She questioned tilting her chin in concentration. "Oh yes, I have forgotten to clue you in on the most important part of my ruse. The reason, no one will know who I am." Isadora walked closer to her prisoner and whispered in his ear. "I was born a man."

The loud muffled scream made her smile wickedly while straightening. Then her hand lashed out and the crack of the slap she gave him was the sound reverberating in the room this time. Her lips pursed in a pout. "Oh, does this mean you changed your mind about liking what you saw?" Isadora bent and placed her foot in a very high stilettoheel.

"This my friend, is the only thing I've yet to get used to. How women do it, will always remain a mystery to me." After placing the second foot in the other shoe, Isadora stood tall and proud. Everything she had done thus far was proof of the commitment she had to the cause. "Now my friend, the time for my departure approaches. Don't worry though. I will be back tonight. For even the devil, requires sleep."


Host's Note: These have been the ten stories of Coincidence. How did the team do? 

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