Chapter 9

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That next morning i woke up to the familiar sound of my alarm clock and the faint whispers of my best friends, Caitlyn and Tally. I couldn't remember anything after I hit something hard and blacked out. My head, arms, and right cheek ached. My eyes fluttered open and the first thing I saw was the faces of my friends.
"What happened?" I asked.
Caitlyn and Tally looked at each other, said something in whispers then turned back to me.
"I'm serious. What happened?" I asked.
"Well after you blacked out you were flung up the the second story landing. I'm not really sure what happened after that but we found you on the third story, bleeding and alone." Caitlyn said.
I looked at her like she was insane. I didn't remember any of that!
"Did you guys find Sam?" I asked.
"No. When we found you, you were alone." Tally said.
"Did you tell anyone about this?" I asked. "The last thing we need is Sam going to jail for assault or something."
"We considered taking you to the hospital. You lost a lot of blood!" Tally said.
"Why didn't you guys take me to the hospital?" I asked.
"We tried. As soon as we got there you had a panic attack so Tally just drove you back here. You'll live child." Caitlyn said.
I nodded and grabbed my head.
"Oh we have other news. You got a phone call from the hospital. It was after Caitlyn went to bed so I just answered it. They have news on your mom." Tally said.
My eyes widened. Wasn't she dead? Yeah. She flat lined.....she's dead. The realization hit me like a bus.
"What happened to her? Isn't she dead?" I asked.
"Well yes. They were about to wheel her body down to the morgue for an examination. Her body was gone." Tally said.
I gasped. Why is it always my family!
"How do you lose a dead body?" I asked.
Tally shrugged and shook her head.
"Where is Tony?" I asked.
"He's in his room writing in his notebook!" Caitlyn said.
"He never writes unless he's planning revenge or drawing. Which one is he doing?" I asked.
"I think he's planning revenge. As soon as I got in there he shut his notebook." She said.
She brought in a plate of pancakes. She handed it to Tally. Tally set the plate down on the bedside table.
"Tally is everything okay?" I asked.
"Yeah. I just don't know what to do. You've already been traumatized enough as a child. Now Sam is MIA. He abused you. What's going to happen? What if he's with Nightmare?" She said, sitting next to me on the bed, hugging her knees into her chest.
"Tally it will be okay. As long as I have someone around me, I'm no longer vulnerable to him. Nightmare is trapped in a giant book. I doubt he's working with her." I said, hugging her. "Now. I may have to go to the hospital to make sure that I'm perfectly okay."
"No. We aren't taking you back to the hospital. I can't stand to watch you have another panic attack." Tally said.
"Eat the pancakes." Caitlyn said.
Tally handed me the plate and helped me sit up to eat.
"Caitlyn can you get me water, tea, something? Please." I asked.
"Yeah!" Caitlyn said, running back down to the kitchen.
"Can you help me walk?" I asked.
"Yeah. After you eat the pancakes!" Tally said.
I laughed. That was when I noticed my hair was pulled back. When had that happened? The only time I pulled my hair back is when I'm sick.
"Tally who did my hair?" I asked.
"You did. When I left your hair was still down. When I came back this morning it was up. Eat the pancakes!" She said.
Caitlyn came back into my room with a cup of peach tea. The only tea I drink is fruity tea for some random reason.
"Thanks Caitlyn." I said. "Did you guys eat anything?"
"Yeah. We ate when we woke up this morning." Caitlyn said.
We heard a lot of things shaking and lots of loud booms coming from Tony's room. My eyes widened as I set my breakfast and tea down on the table next to me.
"Help me get in there. I need to make sure he's okay." I said.
"Cassidy if danger were near you'd have a bow and arrows on your back right now." Tally said.
"I don't care. It doesn't always activate right away. I'm not losing another family member. I've already lost my step dad, mother, and sister. Not going to loose my brother too." I said.
I threw my feet over the side of the bed and reached for someone to help me up to get to Tony's room.
When no one stepped forward to help me, I tried to get up myself, stumbling into the wall. This was harder than I had initially anticipated.
'Use the wall as a brace. Tony's room is really close to your room. It'll all be okay.' I told myself.
Every step I took made my ribs and back ache. I wondered if I had fractured anything inside of me. There was every doubt in my mind that anything had been damaged because I was walking somewhat fine. My ankles hurt, probably from being flung up around the house.
"Cassidy!" Tally screamed as she caught me.
While I was thinking, I had almost fallen out of the doorway.

Tally and Caitlyn had both helped me get into Tony's room and sat down in the chair that sat by his desk. He had two chairs for his desk, no one knows why.
"Cassidy!" Tony said. "Are you alright?"
"In pain but I'm alright." I said.
"Thank god you're okay. Did you hear about mom?" He asked.
"Umm yeah. I did. That was one of the first things I heard when I woke up today." I said. "Whatcha working on?" I asked.
He handed me the note book. So my brother was planning revenge on HIM. I was surprised by how well he wrote for hating writing.

(A/N: insert picture of Tony's revenge notebook!)

(A/N: insert picture of Tony's revenge notebook!)

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