Chapter 4: Firsts and Introductions

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Sky started to crawl at around four months old and on the exact same day as her brother. Olivia and I were in a small park for a day. We had both decided that we couldn’t stay in that house any longer and that it was unfair for Sky to never see the outdoors. We had apparated to a park in America and both of us were disguised, for safety reasons.

The second she started crawling I pulled out a camera and took a picture, so I could send a copy to Lilly and James. Olivia and I sat watching her crawl around for ages. We apparated home that afternoon. Then I sent a letter to her parents, who sent me one equally quickly with a photo of Harry crawling around.

That night after Sky was asleep Olivia and I sat watching the fireworks through a window. It was bonfire night. The lights were incredibly bright and beautiful.

“This has been a great day,” Olivia said sighing and resting her head on my shoulder.

I smiled, “Yeah. I’m- I’m really happy you’re here.”

“I’m happy I could be here,” She said.

“I don’t know what I’d do. I’m not exactly the parent type.”

“Sirius, you’d have been fine. You love that little girl and she loves you. Besides, I’m not her mother.”

“You’re the closest thing she’ll have until this war is over.”

“You’re Uncle Sirius, then I suppose I’m Aunt Olivia,” I felt her chuckling.

I smiled, “That would make us married.”

“I suppose so,” She said. She sat up and we looked at each other. The next second we were kissing, and it was right.

When we finally pulled apart we both smiled. She leaned against my shoulder again and I put an arm around her.

The next day James showed up during breakfast. Olivia was feeding Sky and I was actually attempting to cook, something I had never done until Sky and Olivia came.

“James,” I stopped and looked at him surprised, “What are you doing here?”

“We have guests who want to see Sky,” He said.

Olivia put down the now empty bottle and passed him his daughter, “Here you go. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“You too,” He said smiling at her. “Thank you so much for being so kind and helpful.” I stepped next to her and put an arm around her waist.

“It’s not a problem at all,” She said leaning into my side.

James raised an eyebrow but shook his head, “I need to get back. We’ll bring her back as soon as we can.”

With that he was gone and the two of us were left alone in my kitchen. I smiled at Olivia.

“How about we take advantage of a free morning and go get breakfast,” I offered. “I think I burned the pancakes and the eggs do not look right.” She looked over at the food I had cooked.

She laughed, “The eggs have bits of shell in them, not to mention that they are also slightly overcooked. I think breakfast sounds great. Where are we going?”

“Australia?” I offered. She smiled and nodded.

Late that afternoon James and Lilly showed up with Harry and Sky. They passed me Sky who was sound asleep. Olivia was taking a nap as well.

“So what’s up with you and Olivia?” James asked.

I smiled not even thinking about it, “I think we’re dating.”

They both looked shocked, “You are having an actual relationship?” Lilly asked teasing.

I laughed, “Yeah.” Conveniently Olivia made her way downstairs at that time and we all spent a short time hanging out before James and Lilly left. It had been a crazy couple of days.


I am sooooooooo sorry!! I love everyone who is still sticking with me. Life is crazy! I don't know when I'll be able to upload again, but I hope it will be soon. Worst come to worst, Spring Break is in a few weeks and I'll upload then. I hope I'll upload before then. The external link is to the facebook page.

Also I am having a new competition for this story. I'll post more information later, but thought you should all know.

So today's question is: How is everyone feeling about Olivia? A few of you thought she was a death eater, but for the most part everyone liked her. Has anyone's opinion changed?

Growing Up: Sequel to Secret ExistenceWhere stories live. Discover now