Scared(all memebers)

404 5 1

EJ pov

today we are going to a haunted house that was empty since 1621 during slavery...and honestyly im terrified im standing here with santo trying to act all cool and chill when really im about to pee my pants

Prince-alright yall ready to go


Desiree-nigga why is you sweating

Ej-right scary cat

Mike-can we just go

Santo-who is all going

Prince-Honesty (prince girl) desiree(santo girl) maddie(mikes Girl)and jehmia(rays girl)

(Congrats on ray ray and the baby he is having with her)

prod-all right lets go

(haunted House)

RayRay pov

bruuuuhuuuuhh this house is scary in the middle of a field and stuff i hope it aint no slaves dead or maters cause im black and i dont have time for that bull

bruuuuhuuuuhh this house is scary in the middle of a field and stuff i hope it aint no slaves dead or maters cause im black and i dont have time for that bull

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Ej- ladies first

maddie-not in this situation its not

honesty-we all walk in at the same time

(they all step inside)


(doors slams)

Mike-(screams )

everyone-nigga did u just scream like a girl

prod-im scared

ej-me to

santo-just chill lets stay together


dessire-omg im so scared

ej-im hungry

myles-lets go to the kitchen

prince-wait were is honesty

ej-she was right there

prince- i know she gone



prod-it came from the kitchen

(runs to the kitchen)

prince-honesty why are u sitting on the floor

honesty-(turned around)*crying*

santo-prince i know u love her but dont touch her

prince-why not

santo-because you know that game left for dead were the witch is crying and if u go up to her she attacks u bruh lets just go

prince-no...thats not even real its a game(touches honesty)

(honesty starts attacking prince)

ej-omg :(

(gun shot)

prince-(looks up)ej why did u shoot her

ej- she was going to kill you man what its either you her or all of us if i didnt do that she would've killed u then us

mike-why do u even have a gun

ej-im from Detroit  (no offense)

santo-come on(helps prince up)

prince-u know what im not even mad at you

mike-lets go before someone else dies

desiree-the door wont open

santo-let me try

(opens Door)


prod-are those slaves

ej-ya but there ghost

(they run to the car)

(drive Hone)

prince-(sitting in his room)

santo-hey U okay


ej- we have to tell u something


everyone-ITS A PRANNNK!!!



prince-omg...wait im still confused

Prod- u know that house u and honesty lived in we changed it to were it look haunted and those slaves were just holograms  and we didnt shoot honesty we shot a doll...but the gun was real

santo-ya but its my gun

prince-yall play to much(hugging honesty)

(everyone gose to sleep)


i didint know were i was going with this but u know

cant wait fro santo to get out next month hopefully if he being good 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2017 ⏰

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