Ray abuse

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Ray pov
Me and Yn been together for 3 years and i love her its just sometimes she irritates me to my CORE and i try not to hit her cause its disrespectful and i know that but dang...

yn pov
I love ray with all my heart i had fights with my mom over him and had to go to hospital's and stuff i sufer for that man

Ray-baby come here
Yn-ya baby
Ray-what i tell u about about not having dinner ready baby when i come home after hours of rehearsal i be hungry
Yn-im sorry my bad baby i fell asleep and had to clean
Yn-why are u yelling dang baby
Ray-*walks up and smack her*
Make my damn food and shut up

*after she made the food she showerd and lay down and ray comes upstairs*

Ray-baby im sorry😞 i love you
yn-i love u too but u cant hit me if u get mad
Ray-i know and im REALLY sorry im in love with u
Yn-im in love with u too baby😌
Ray-i wanna show u how i feel😉

*ray and yn have sex and he stoped hitting her and she had his son
Damari Sean Lopez*

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