Godfrey The Caring

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To many, most superheroes will always be defined by certain traits. For instance the ability to fly, have super strength, run super fast or have impeccable timing. I mean seriously always on time. But what is never preached is their way of violence and strength solves all problems. You see most "acts" of kindness by a superhero isn't kindness but need to show strength against people or evil dwellers.

Meet Godfrey. He isn't what you would consider to be a hero. He wont be seen lifting large rubble, stopping an out of control train or even trying to out run a bullet. In fact he is your every day normal good guy.

Now when labeling good, I know its very vague and god damn I will explain. You see Godfrey is a guy who is 5ft10, average build, I mean good luck actually finding a muscle. First grade average so and so. He has long hair, works in retail and I think he is a game addict. But Godfrey is a guy who will go unnoticed, not popular and so often ignored. Although to those around him he is known as an amazing person, wears his heart on his sleeve and is a nice guy. Godfrey, that sweet boy, will always be there for people, will always listen to those who need and will care no matter what the circumstances. I mean he has his floors, lets not paint him as a saint, he has an incredible appetite to be very sarcastic(just ask his customers). But I mean that's for another time.

The reason I am telling you this story is because, well, one day this unnoticeable guy has his world change and changes the world of many. One act of kindness will help change peoples perceptions on who needs our help. Okay maybe not all people. Might have over exaggerated a little. But you get what I mean.

Our tale begins with Godfrey on one of those magical days that so many of us treasure, the mystical "day off". Instead of staying in and resting or completing more levels of popular video game titles, Godfrey decided to take the opportunity to spend this day around the streets of London. I mean the "fresh" air is good,no? But today was no ordinary day. As Godfrey as wandering the streets, taking in the sights, headphones in blaring loud metal music into his ears and generally just enjoying his own little world, he notices something. Something terrifying. Yes it was a poster for another generic talent show for the fame hungry. I mean that would ruin most peoples day. But I digress.

What he truly notices is a young woman, sitting in tears looking distraught. Now to most people they would just walk past ignoring this as if they never existed. Only difference was this woman was sitting on the edge of a building. Odd I know but there she was. Ignored by so many, apart from the few recording as if some show or stunt. Godfrey however stopped, looked up and walked away. Instead he enters a nearby coffee franchise and orders two lattes. Two you ask yourself? Well there is a reason. You see Godfrey takes these two lattes, enters the building where this poor girl is perched and takes them to the roof.

He takes off his bag sits the lattes down and sits on the roof facing the other way. There are two reasons he does this. Firstly its to give her space but more importantly its because he is petrified of heights. Small point I know. As he sits down he only mutters the word, "sugar?". I agree with you it is a rather odd way of saying hello, but it worked. The girl slowly shook her head as tears continued to wash her face.

They sat silently, occasionally sipping their coffee, for what seemed like an age. This all ended with the girl suddenly turning round sitting beside Godfrey and plainly saying "thank you". Now I can't say what changed her mind, could just be the coffee but the simple act of kindness changed something. See Godfrey never delved deep all he responded was "you are most welcome. Hope you are okay?'" simple when you think about it.

This random stranger, who moments ago was isolated and on the brink, then proceeds to spill everything to Godfrey. She explains in detail why she is where she is and why it has got this far. Now honestly I am not going to tell you what she said. I mean its personnel and let her have some privacy. All I can tell you is that as she talked Godfrey sat there and listened to every word. A good hour passed as she got everything out and in the open.

As she finished talking you could tell she changed. Even mustered a smile, turned to Godfrey hugged him and said thank you. She got up, gave Godfrey her number and headed for the exit. Only turning round once. All she said was thank you and wont ever forget you. And that was that.

Godfrey never spoke of this day, I mean he never wanted the spot light or people to fuss over something he saw as nothing. You see Godfrey doesn't do these things for any reason apart from he enjoys making people smile. Silly isn't it. But that day he never forget and unknown to him quite a few people did not forget either.

In an age of technology , as Godfrey was sat there listening, dozens of people around the building were recording what he did. Nobody helped just recorded as if the Centre of London had become this inhumane vacuum of a place, devoid of human emotion. These recordings found their way online. Seen by thousands. Many who watched were unbothered. Why would they be, it didn't  effect them in anyway and wouldn't changed how they lived. But to many others this was a lesson to them. They saw someone brave and full of heart and care, take the time to help a complete stranger. That to me is a hero. You may never see it that way but in your time of need you hope to have some like Godfrey at your side. What makes this special is there are many like Godfrey on this planet. Going unnoticed, leading standard and plain life's. So if you have a Godfrey in your life, cherish him and always remember he is there.

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