Benjamin The Brave.

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Bullying. At some stage of our life it has affected us. Most of you have probably been on either endIof it during our time as a youth. Its something that plagues schools and work places even to this day and has no signs of stopping.

Today we meet Benjamin. Like many of you this young lad is suffering from being bullied. Constantly hit, picked on and pushed to the edge by people who do it to remain popular. Sickening I know. As many Benjamin is not alone as people around him are targeted for not looking right, or their perception of being normal. We all know normal is an abstract concept. An idea at best. But for those who aren't popular they struggle daily from this problem.

Benjamin woke up as he does every day. Same routine for another dull and dreaded day. Breakfast, get ready, uniform then the short walk to school. As he gets there, like every morning, the cool kids are hanging outside the school gates, harassing anyone who dares to walk in. As Benjamin gets close, one of these kids spots him. As verbal shaming begins, Benjamin does nothing, just walks on and keeps his head high, trying his hardest to fight any urge to show them it hurts. Surprising to him they let him go. He got away. This may seem like nothing but to Benjamin this was a big win.

Later that day though Benjamin will suffer something he has never had to at the hands of these bullies. As the lunch bell rings, Benjamin heads to the same spot he has done everyday to meet up with a few friends to have lunch. Soon after though they aren't alone. Today is the day the bullies have targeted one of his friends. As they get close, Benjamin and friends try their best to ignore that these guys are approaching. Without warning however, words start flying, insults left right and center and all from one side. Benjamin and Co do nothing. They have learned to accept it. This however isn't the end. One of the group of 10 or so strong grab Benjamin friend and throws him to the ground. Suddenly the kicking started. 10 on 1 is never going to end pretty for the defenseless. This snaps something Benjamin. He stands up and yells "STOP". As the bullies laugh at him, Benjamin says nothing just stares. He is then inexplicably pushed over, kicked and thrown back. This to most would be a sign to stay down. But not to Benjamin. Today he has to prove a point.

Benjamin never throws a punch, never kicks or even verbally assaults the bullies. Instead he allows them to target him to safe his friend. Commendable I must say.

You see today schools will always lead every year with a strong anti bullying campaign. Its bollocks I can tell you that for a start. At best its cheap words to re assure parents that things will be done. For their act the 10 or so bullies were put into detention. While Benjamin and his friend felt the force of this for weeks before the bruises healed. Now between us does that seem fair. An hour extra at school compared to the physical pain. Kids will never learn that to be a harsh punishment. But it is the society we live in where fists and violence are turned to so regularly to resolve anything.

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