You're all so strong, so brave
I wish I was like you
Had courage and bravery
Like you do
But that's just not me
I don't even know why I'm here
Who am I supposed to be by being here?
Who am I supposed to become now?
I don't know how to change
MyselfSure, I value courage
But I have none
None at all
You said you saw bravery in me
How can I find it?
I'm just a scared coward
Always have been
Always will be
The follower that has no words to say
Even when he disagrees
That's who I am here
On this team of mischief
I know you all see it
Yet you encourage me
To find it in me
And that is what makes you all
Good Friends
But I am notI am nothing with you all gone
I should have taken death
But as we all know
I am a coward
And I am truly sorry
There is no forgiving here
Poetry Slam (Fandoms!)
ПоэзияIn Creative Writing we're doing a Poetry Slam thing So yeah 1st poem- Slight Implied Vantascest (Homestuck) [Karkat's POV] 2nd poem- Uchiha Brothers (Naruto) [Sasuke's POV] 3rd poem- Marauders (Harry Potter & pre-Harry Potter) [Peter Pettigr...