Let me hide

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The next day Louis opened his laptop to twitter. His time line was full of Hendall pictures. Great- he sighed to himself. They looked so happy.

"Why can't this have been me?" He sobbed quietly. He had the urge to cut again. He promised himself he wouldn't so he sort out ways to distract himself.

Tumblr. Liam had been talking about it the other day-it seemed a pretty cool site. Louis typed his name in as he edited his profile, then suddenly deleting his actions as it dawned on him he had to stay secret.

'TrappedInside' was his username. No one would know it was 'Louis Tomlinson from One Direction'

His first post was "I want to get out of this group!"

He kept posting and posting when he felt a rush of tiredness take over. Louis dragged his hand and shut the laptop

*Louis' POV *

"Get up, Louis! We have an interview" Harrys' voice drummed through my ears

"M'coming" I groaned whilst looking at my surroundings. Had I slept like this all night? Harry hadn't even bothered to move me, oh yeah, because he doesn't care


We pulled up outside the ITV building and walked in to the interview. Harry got out first, followed by Niall who pulled me along. Liam and Zayn followed close behind


Me and Harry sat at opposite ends, I couldn't bare his perfect smile, his perfect body. He's just so perfect. And I know he would act all pally with me and I just couldn't take it, knowing he didn't really love me


I must have zoned out as the interview had gone quite fast, but then the interviewer turned to me

"So Louis" My head snapped up in response, "you have been getting quite a few tattoos lately, what do they all mean?"

It was just an innocent question, I repeated to myself. She didn't know.

"Um... I... it's just the story of my life"

I almost jumped out of my skin as I heard Harry belt out our song. "The story of my life, I take her home" Harry began to quieten as he looked around and all eyes were on him. He had put so much emphasis on 'her'. Wait no. I'm just over reacting. It didn't mean anything, right?

I just looked at my knees, not saying a word

My Kind Of Love (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now