Yoyoyo frens this is Vero talking.ya know what i think that's gonna be my intro now.
anyways, i had an idea. and no i didn't run this through with the others so if someone logs on and sees this, hey guys. don't kill me yet i still haven't gotten to experience how it feels to have a water bottle thrown at you while you're on stage.
but yeah. i have a few ideas first.
for starters, and this is something i DID talk with the others about (a little), i was thinking everyone could have their own book. most of us write lyrics, and we all could share our own little spoilers (shhhh i didnt say anything what) but yeah. for example i wrote a whole song in math class today. yeah, i do realize i have a song book on my account. but i was thinking about putting all those on here, since they do belong to our band.
next idea. one that i didn't talk to everyone about.
and that is...q&a!
idk about mah bandmates but i'd be down to answer some coolio questions.
don't kill me, guys. pl0x.
so yeah. comment some questions and hopefully i wont be kicked out of the band that i helped create.
damn that sounded sorta self centered. i swear i dont like myself it wasn't supposed to come out like that.
but jah. ask some interrogatory statements, frens.
aaaand we've finished creating a band symbol (or should i say symbols?) so that'll be up soon as well, most likely.
vero, over and out! stay alive, rebels!
-vero the firebreather