The Boss - ch.3

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After School. -

Ariana's P.O.V -

"You know you can't outrun me!"

I say as I run to find my goal.
I can hear whimpering coming from the far end of the forest.

I use my fast super speed to find her.
"I won't hurt you if you show yourself!"
I lied as I finally spot her trying o hide behind a bush.

I have to admit it was a good hiding place,
but with my remarkable sense of sight, i was able to see her right away.

I grab her my her arm and force her to stand up.
"Look I really don't wanna hurt you. But I want some answers, if you answer my questions I will let you go."

She slowly settles down and nods slowly.

I let go of her but stay close in case she wants to try and escape.

"What did Liane do to my boyfriend?"

She gulps.

"S-she locked h-him in t-the Consul's dungeon."

I grit my teeth and kick a tree, which makes it fly into the tree next to it.

She looks really scared, so I stop.

"Where is she hiding now?"

"Down in the cave by the h-hotel."

I immediately hug her and tell her I will not bother her anymore.

"Bless your soul child."
I would cry bc my
Soul will never be blessed, but crying is not something I can do.

"Yours too."

As I'm walking out of the forest with the lady in between my arms crying, I see a man.

Not a man, but a muscular boy I have seen around school before.

He looks at my hands holding the bloody woman's wrist.

Then he looks at the woman's afraid expression.

I know what he's thinking.

What The Hell?

Reading people's minds come in handy sometimes.

Suddenly he runs at me and grabs my wrist.

I suddenly growl.

Wow I haven't done that in a while.

"Who are you?" I ask the boy.

He doesn't answer.


Instead, he tightens his grip on my arm and tries to take me.

He's strong. But I'm stronger.

I grab his shoulder and twist him, putting my chest against his back. In order to not let him escape, I put my hands around his neck.

"I'll ask one more time." I say angrily. "Who are you?"

"Why should I answer to you?" He says while struggling to turn himself around.

I finally let go of him realizing he's not going to answer any of my questions and that he is just a cocky teenager.

He turns around to look at me ready to pounce at me but then suddenly he stops in his tracks.

"What?" I asked.
By now the lady has already run off so I'm alone with this greek god incarnate.

"Your so beautiful." He says more to himself.

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