fourteen| milk

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Harry had spent the night over and I woke up curled in his arms. His floppy hair was place in his face given him and angelic look as he slept silently. I felt his warm breath against the temple of my head making me shiver a bit, I unraveled his arms around me and slowly crept outside my bed careful not to wake him up. It proved to be much harder than I remembered from him spending the night over from before  as his grip was much tighter than I remember and every little shift seemed to almost wake him up.

I rubbed my eyes sleepily as I made my way downstairs into the kitchen. My feet lazily dragging across the ground as I plopped myself onto one of the island stools as my arms grazed the cold granite tops.

"hey you are feeling?" my mom asked as her back was turned to me as I heard the faint whistle of the kettle and liquid being poured. She then turned towards me sipping her drink in her hands while her eyes skimming me over ever so slightly but just enough for me to notice.

"I'm fine mom." I said nonchantley running my hands through my tangled hair

"You sure?" sh asked glancing at me 

"Mom." I said in a warning tone quickly I took it back "...Sorry." It wasn't her fault so she wasn't the person I should take it out on.

"I'm fine's nothing."

To get my mind of it my mom suggested I go out for some coffee so I decided to go to The Bean for some. I left a note for Harry for when he woke up and made my trek to the coffee shop through the snowy streets, maybe it will lighten my spirits some. Just as I was next in to go up to the counter I heard the iconic jingle of the bell from the entrance.

"Cassandra?" I heard a familiar voice call out as I turned to see who it was

"Trevor." just my luck of course he would be here

"Can I talk to you?" he said coming up to me while shaking out the remaining snow in his hair

"I don't know-"

"Please just for a few minutes." If it wasn't for my sucker for blue eyes and the puppy dog eyes he was giving me right now I would have said no,  I let out a sigh as his grin widened on his face before turning serious again.

"Look I'm not here to defend Blake because what he did was wrong. But Blake gets nervous especially around you, and last night going on a date with you...kinda gave him some nerves." But the still didn't explain much as my eyebrows scrunched up not understanding what he meant.

"Why isn't he telling me that himself?" I said more defensive then I meant the whole situation had made me very upset but who wouldn't be after being stood up.

"Because he feels really bad. He's really been beating himself over it." I found an opening and instantly made a bee-line around him but he cut me off and gave me a look.

"Fine we can talk but can I get my coffee first." he smirked and moved over to the side his arms motioning me froward to the counter so I could order my coffee. I had covered my hands with the sleeves of my jacket since my hands were freezing as we sat across from each other my cup barely helping. I saw Trevor glances at my hands as we sat in silence when suddenly he held his hand out towards me.

Give me your hands." he said as he continued to hold  them out his eyes looking up and down yet I still held onto my cup

"Your hands are cold right? Give me your hands."

"I'll be fine they're not even that cold and my cup is making my hands warm so it's not even a problem." I rambled on, however Trevor was not taking no as a answer as he peeled my hands from my cup and held mine in his. I didn't know how to react such a gesture I know he meant nothing by it but it felt wrong. We looked like a couple but we weren't. His hands were soft and warm comparing to my frozen ones that devoured the heat from his.

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