eight| ❄️Con De Leche❄️

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   "So your inviting me over to your house for dinner?" I asked over the phone


  "With your family also."

" Well I don't want it to just be the two of us at my house. Besides my mom has been pestering me about who've Iv'e been taking out with the car." Blake chuckled a bit afterwards

  "An it's tonight right?"

  "I can always say your sick or something-" I thought about how rude I must have been coming off

  "No no! It's fine really! What time should I come over." I said sitting up on my bed and glanced at the clock on my bedside table 5:47 PM

  "Don't worry I'll swing by and pick you up around seven thirtyish. Beside I don't think you know the way to my house." Oh yeah

"Okay." I said before I hung up I went downstairs to see my mom sitting on the couch watching some home decorating show

"A friend of mine invited me to dinner with his family."

"Okay. Is it that boy you've been hanging around lately? I have a good feeling about him." She said with a smirking on her face while

"But how-"

"Have a good time be home by midnight okay?" she said cutting me off and kiss my head while she went back to watching how to make.....tensile?

I quickly jogged up the stairs to pick out my outfit which was a simple long brown baggy sweater that I had just bought a couple of days ago and paired it with my black leggings and my brown wool coat. I checked the time on my beside table table


I still had a while before Blake said he was going to pick me up. I walked over to my window hearing the window blowing harshly against my window, I looked out the window to see the snow blowing wildly.

   "I hope it's not going to be bad." I muttered to myself as I felt my phone vibrate in my hand I opened it to see I had a text from Blake.

'I'm outside :)'

   "Bye mom I'm leaving!" I yelled as I closed the door behind me instantly feeling the freezing cold snow and wind hitting my face. I ran to his car to escape the blistering wind but of course my accused clumsiness creeped up on me at the wrong time and I slipped on  ice.

   "Whoa!" I heard some race over to me and catch me from behind but I guess they slipped on the ice as well as we both went tumbling into the snow. I heard someone groan behind me as all my weight was on top of them plus the fact we had just fallen.

   "Clumsy, stuttering you're just a full package aren't you." I heard a voice say and lord and behold of course it was Blake who saved me-or tried to save me from my fall. After finally realizing what he said I couldn't tell if her was being funny or sarcastic.....or both.

He was holding in his arms as my head was on his chest and I could hear his heart beating loudly. It was beating fast but within a steady pace,why is it beating so fast? I felt my face flush at our contact.

   "Sorry." I said rather rushed as I frantically got up instantly missing his warmth as he picked himself up and dusted off any snow that was on him.


The car ride over to his family's house was quiet....to quite for my liking even though there was a song playing lowly on the radio. I nervously fumbled with my thumbs while I sat in the passenger seat. Not only did Blake alone make be nervous but meeting his family was a whole different story. Blake however just tapped his thumbs on the steering wheel and hummed the song softly.

What if they didn't like me? Was my outfit appropriate?

I looked down at my outfit and instantly felt dreaded, suddenly regretting my decision to wear leggings. To late to turn back now.

"Cassandra? Cassandra." I jumped at the contact of someone shaking me I turned tome side to see Blake looking at me also noticing that we stopped

   "What...Sorry?" I said fixing my hair

   "Never be sorry, I said we're here." he said looking out of the passenger window, it was a house a rather large one to be exact with a red door. The house was fully decorated with holiday items making the house look warm and cozy.

   "Oh okay." I unlocked my door but was beaten to opening it because Blake had already beaten  me to the punch. By the time we had even made it up the stairs a rather tall woman opened the door

   "Oh come inside you guys must be freezing!" She ushered us into the house and I immediately took in all the heat, Blake like his gentlemanly self removed my jacket and placed it on a coat hanger-that or he was nervous of how he was treating his guest in front of his mom by how he wanted to make sure everything was alright, plus the fact he kept passing glances at her.

When I actually got inside of the house I got a better glance at her. She had loosely curly blond hair completely opposite of Blake's chocolatey brown locks. However she had sparking blue eyes that he must have took after her. All around she was a beautiful woman I almost envied her beauty.

   "You must be Cassandra I've heard so much about you from Blake!" she said as she engulfed me in a hug that I wasn't excepting

  "Mom don't kill her." Blake said while rolling his eyes while she just glared at him

   "It's nice to finally see who Blake's been taking out with the car."  I looked behind me at the said boy with a tint of red on his cheeks

   "I hope it was already getting here I heard a blizzard was supposed to happen today. Oh! I hope you like coffee I made some Con De Leache's." I heard Blake make a sound of disgust behind me

"Yeah that will be amazing."

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