Chapter 2:

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“Run Kaden. You run as fast as your legs can take you and you don’t look back, you hear me.” But I was frozen. My feet were planted firmly on the gravel and I wasn’t planning on moving. “Do you hear me Kaden! Run! Run, go! Now!” Her voice raising slightly whilst trying to keep as quiet as possible, as to not reveal our location. “No! Im not leaving you, get that into your head! Its both of us or neither of us, please.” My voice cracking at the end as tears threatened to spill over. I closed my eyes, fear running through my veins, not wanting to see what happens next. It was then that I heard it. The click of a trigger, the piercing scream, all of it. My eyes shot open as my head shot over to the girl by my side. As I scanned over her body for any signs of pain, I saw it. The blood pooling around us on the ground wasn’t hers. It was mine.


I instantly shot up from where I was lying. My entire body was drenched in sweat and tears and I was shaking uncontrollably. I sighed in relief, It was only a dream. But certainly not the one I remember drifting off to. As I looked around the room, I realized it was also not the location I remember falling asleep in. I could have sworn I fell asleep on the couch, not my bed. Bailee must have brought me in, that was the only logical explanation. What the hell was that dream though? Why couldn’t I get a closer look at that girls face? This was crazy and I was frightened beyond belief, that’s for certain. It just felt so real, and that was the most frightening part.

I headed to the bathroom despite my spinning head and shaking limbs. A cool shower at 5:30 in the morning would do me good, I needed to start getting up earlier anyway I guess.

As I stepped into the shower, I shivered under its touch. The freezing weather in London combined with a freezing shower probably wasn’t the best idea, but if I wanted to wash the sweat and memories caused by the dream off, it was the best idea I could come up with. My mind raced with questions and thoughts as I lathered shampoo around my scalp. I’ve never had a dream like that. In my whole life, no dream has ever felt as real as that one, and it scared the living shit out of me.


“Alright, Kay I’m off. I should be back around dinner time if that’s cool?”

“Yeah, fine.” I felt bad for throwing my crappy mood onto her, but I can’t help it. She gave me a strange look, before making her way over plopping herself down on the couch next to me. “Kaden, Kay, you know you can talk to me about anything, right? Whatever’s bothering you, I want to help babe.” I’ll forever be grateful for Bailee’s constant kindness. She really was one of the best friends I’ve ever had. “I know, and thank you. I’m sorry for being so shitty, maybe we can talk later. I’m not feeling terribly up to it at the moment.” She didn’t look all that convinced, but fortunately she let it go. “Alright then, well I’m just meeting up with an old friend for a couple hours. Its 10 am, you’ve still got the whole day ahead of you, you’re already dressed and ready so you may as well go sightseeing.” I just mumbled a simple okay as she made her way to the door and out of the apartment. She was right though, no point in staying here feeling sorry for myself, may as well go out and get to know the town. I grabbed my phone, keys and bag before heading out and going all Dora the Explorer on this bitch.

I’ve got to admit, the city really was amazing. Despite the chilly weather and bucketing rain. I usually love the rain, but in moderation. Not every damn day.

After 2 or 3 hours of walking around, staring at giant clocks, and hopping on over sized Ferris wheels, I decided to stop off at a café to grab a bite to eat.

It was such an adorable little place, not terribly big, but very welcoming. I decided a nice steamy pie in addition to a lovely hot chocolate would be a good idea to help warm me up. It was as I was just finishing up my meal that I noticed a strange man seated in the very back corner of the café. He had a dark hoody on, which made it very difficult for me to get a good look at his face, but I knew he was staring at me. He’d been watching me the whole time I’d been here. I stood up abruptly, wanting nothing more than to get out of this place. I left my money on the table and rushed out the door. I hurried down the sidewalk, the safety of my apartment coming closer and closer. Every now and then I’d steal quick glances behind me, checking to see if the hooded man was following, thankfully he was no where to be seen.

Heart Puzzle; A Niall Horan Fanfiction *ON HOLD TEMPORARILY*Where stories live. Discover now