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Chills. They ran down my spine, and back up it again. Like small giddy children playing at the playground down the black, overly tarred road. My actions were halted. I was completely still, not a single muscle of mine dared to move. His voice played in the grimy way that hogs played in mud. Plucking each vocal cord with such deliberate fury. He was back. Before I had a chance to confirm my suspicions, I was slammed against Blu. Her shaking indefinitely. Keys were kicked slightly, making a jingling noise as they found their way under their mother, hiding from him. I tried to scream as a filthy hand was clasped over my mouth. 

"Ah, ah, ah." He tsked me. "Wouldn't want you to get hurt, now would we babydoll." I cringed at the foul nickname he had mistakenly given me. 

I cringed at the memory of when he told me I was so young and innocent looking, just like a little babydoll. I couldn't help myself as an involuntary shiver laced my body, and bound me. His hips ground into my backside. Making me feel it. His manhood, or lack-there-of because if he were a man, this wouldn't have happened, or be happening. I could feel him stiffening as he ground harder. A whimper escaped me as tears spilled in rivulets down my warm, soon to be cold cheeks. 

"Oh, babydoll. I've missed you." He told me, halting his circular motions. He had been in prison since the incident. 

I used to feel safe, knowing he couldn't get to me. That wouldn't however keep the reoccurring nightmares I had of his filthy hands roaming me like a Lion roams his kingdom. His hand slowly came off of my hand as he whispered to me. 

"Scream, babydoll, and I'll slit your throat."

My head bobbed vigorously at his words. He turned my body around to face him, and that's when it was confirmed. It was James. His hands prodded me, like I was some sort of alien life form. He ripped my blouse open causing more tears to plummet onto my pale chest. His hands roamed, when they squeezed, that's when words uttered past my lips. 

"Please, please don't do this James." I plead with him. 

His scruffy beard scratched me when he came up to my neck and placed sloppy kisses across it. I was forced to see his repugnant face as he groped me. I tried to turn my head, but that only caused him more anger. He forcefully pulled me back to face him as he molested me, for the second time in my life. 

"Get off!" I heard a familiar voice shout as James was, fortunately, yanked away from my shivering body. 

Harry's POV: 

After I ate at the restaraunt with the boys, I had this nagging feeling in my stomach. Something was wrong with Laikyn. I needed to figure it out. Who was James, and what did he do? Why does she have so many scars? Questions clouded my thoughts, and before I knew it, I was in my car driving back to "Mullinger's Finest." 

"Fucking fantastic." I mumbled to myself as I had been driving to nearly all the red lights. 

I made it to the restaraunt in no time. Thank god. I was going to talk with her, and demand her to tell me what had happened. 

Walking into the warm air, I quickly made my way to the back where Bobby's office was located. He was Nialls dad, and the owner. 

"Hey Bobby," I paused, "do you know where Laikyn is? Did she clock out yet?" I asked him, hoping he would tell me. 

"Hold on." He informed me. 

C'mon Bobby, time passed so fast. A minute seeming like only a single second. 

"Ah, yes. She has just clocked out. You should be able to find her in the employee parking lot." 

"Thank you so much!" I graciously told him. 

Exiting his office I made my way to the lot. 

What I saw, made me feel...anger? Of course it was anger, or jealousy? Who was that guy? I didn't know she had a boyfriend. Wait...why do I even care? I had begun to walk away when I heard her small voice pipe up. 

"Please, please don't do this James." Whimpered from her mouth. With that plea, I turned around and jogged to her. 

"Get off!" I said sternly as I yanked him away from her. He smelled of cheap booze and cigarettes. What the fuck? 

"Go away you little prick!" The guy I assumed to be James said. 

I heard Laikyn whiper and glanced at her, sure enough, tears stained her soft features. 

Before I knew it, my fist had collided with his jaw creating a loud crunch, and popping sound. The action was repeated, over, over, and over again until a small hand tried wrapping around my bicep. 

Glancing up, I saw Laikyn in shock, and some other emotion I couldn't decipher. I kicked him one last time in the gut before cupping my hands around her small face. 

"Are you okay?" Gently I asked her.

She shook her head, I pulled her into me. She nuzzled into the crook of my neck holding onto me for dear life. 

"I'll drive you home, okay?" 

"No, I can't leave Blu here. I don't want something to happen to her. I'm fine." She said pulling away from me. 

No way in hell was she driving in this condition. 

"I'm not taking no for an answer. I'll take you home, then I'll have one of the boys, probably Niall follow us in Blu. Alright?" I told her, insistantly. 

"O-okay." She said, her stutter returning. 

"Where are the keys?" 

"U-under." Soft words came out almost a whisper. 

I crouched, and grabbed the keys. I took her and bundled my jacket around her. She couldn't walk around in a torn blouse. When we were inside the incessantly warm building, I found Niall and tossed him the keys telling him to follow us in the blue car parked in the employee lot. He didn't question me, and quickly made it there. 

Laikyn POV:

I entered Harry's car as he cranked up the heat. My head rested against the cool window as dry tears covered me. Harry didn't try to ask me what happened, or even small talk with me. I was very grateful. He probably understood what had happened today with James, and knew not to ask me about it. I told him my address as he made his way onto the main road. 

I wasn't embarrased about my shack of a house. It had been home since I moved here in freshman year. It was ugly, no doubt about that. Dead grass covered our lawn, a broken fence surrounded it. Clutter and garbage littered around it, and some on the front porch. A few broken windows had been boarded over. Nothing new to me. Harry looked shocked. I don't know why. 

"Thank y-you." I muttered to him as I began unbuckling my belt. 

"Laikyn?" Harry asked in a small voice. 

"Yeah, Harry?" 

"This is your house?"

"Ever s-s-since f-freshman year." I answered honestly. 

With that, I exited the vehicle, waving bye as I walked into the clutter I call my house. Not my home. A home is where you are loved, and wanted. I did not live in a home. Simply a house. 

"Where the hell were you?" My mothers voice boomed at me. 

"Work." I told her shortly. 

I ran up the stairs to my room. I gazed out of my window as Harry's car finally pulled away. 

"Bye Harry." I whispered with welling tears in my eyes. 

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