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"Shhh. Everything's going to be okay. I promise, Laikyn." His voice hushed my whimpers. 

I departed from his warm embrace. I looked up, and stared into those enormous jade orbs and wondered what had happened. I didn't know why, or how, but he was here and that's all that mattered. I stared into those jade orbs for the longest while before work had entered my mind. 

"Shit." I cursed aloud. 

"What's wrong?" Harry asked me gently, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. 

"Um...I h-have work." I told him standing to my feet quickly before rushing off. Running away seemed to become a tradition between Harry and I. 

"Can I come? I have to see Niall anyways, and I can just have him drive me back to my car." He asked, reeking of desperation. 

"I g-g-guess."

I began walking faster as Harry trailed behind me. Shoving the key into the door and unlocking it swiftly before I reached over and unlocked Harry's as well. All too soon, we were in my car driving to "Mullinger's Finest."

As I drove, I kept stealing side glances at Harry, noticing the way his fingers drummed to the station I had my car set on. How he quietly sang along to the faint music played by some college station who played a medley of rock, and oldies. Rubik's Cube by Athlete was currently playing and his head bobbed slightly at the soft melody. 

I listened to the humming of his voice. The way his neck muscles strained as he tried staying quiet when it took more effort to belt out the lyrics. He glanced intently out of the passenger window. I liked this. This quiet was a nice quiet, not an awkward one like I'm usually encompassed with. 

Soon we were at the restaurant. As I parked in my parking space I shut the car off and looked at Harry before I began speaking. 

"I-I just w-want to say t-thank you for.....what you did." I said glancing between his eyes and my twiddling thumbs. 

He reached his hands out, grabbing mine forcing me to look into his eyes. There was so much emotion locked away in those jade orbs. Threatening to spill. 

"You don't need to thank me." He said slowly making sure I drank in every word. 

I simply nodded pulling my hands from his and climbing out of Blu. He sat in for a few seconds longer before jumping out as well. I locked the doors and began to walk towards the employee entrance. Harry trailing behind me again. I could feel his gaze burning a whole in the back of my head. 

Opening the door, clocking in, and making sure my work clothes were in order. I put an apron on and began to greet guests. I made it through eight tables before I met familiar eyes. It was Harry and his group of friends. Of course they'd be eating today. 

"Hello, love." Niall greeted. 

I gave him a small smile. "What would you guys like?" 

"You." Zayn snickered. I swear they were only this way out of school towards me. 

Harry gave him a stern look before Zayn cleared his throat awkwardly. 

"Uh...we'd like a few cokes. Please." Zayn said his eyes holding shame in them. 

"Coming up." With that I walked away. Returning soon after with their drinks. "Here you boys go." 

"Men, sweetheart." Louis said. 


I wrote their orders down, and commenced to place them. I tended a few other tables while waiting for their orders to be filled. 


After I gave the five boys, excuse me men, their bill I clocked out. Walking to my car, I became paranoid. What if James was back? With that, I began sprinting back to Blu, before somebody had grabbed me. 

"Ahhhhhh." A high pitched shriek left my mouth. 

"Laikyn! God damn. That's one hell of a scream." Harry's calming voice told me. 

"Holy s-shit! You f-f-fucking scared me. What the h-h-hell is wrong with you?" I said slapping his arm. 

"Ow! I didn't mean to frighten you." He said. The moon illuminating his soft smirk. 

"W-w-well great fucking j-j-job with that." I said sarcastically. 

"Can you take me back to my car? Niall had to leave." He asked. 

"Uh, s-sure." I said. Pushing past him to make it to Blu. 

Harry Styles was in my car for the second time that day. This must be a sick joke. I just ignored my conscious and parked my car. Harry turned to me. 

"Thank you." He said softly. 

"You're w-w-welcome, Harry." I gave him a small smile. 

He reached for the door handle, making the door creak open before it halted midway. 

"Oh, and one more thing." 

"What's tha-" I couldn't even finish my sentence before his lips had cut me off. 

I sat there stunned for a moment. His lips were soft, a lot softer than I predicted. Slowly my lips began to move against his. This kiss was euphoric. It was different than the lust filled kisses that James had peppered me with. Harry's was gentle, almost timid. It was as if his kiss was trying to convey the emotions he couldn't tell me. With his kiss, my body ignited. Heat pooled between my thighs as I reached over and began to run my fingers through his hair tugging on the roots. 

A soft moan entered my mouth from his. I pushed him away. What is happening? Doesn't he hate me? 

"I-I-I'm sorry." I whispered. Staring at my hands. 

"Uh...yeah.." He said while his hand rubbed the back of his neck. "I've got to go."

"Night." I whispered still staring at my hands in my lap. 

"Thank you." He said before pecking a soft kiss on my cheek. An immediate blush covered my cheeks turning them rosy. 

Harry shut the door, and I sat there. Dumbfound.  What had just happened? What is going on between Harry and I? That question was left unanswered as a bang sounded on my window. 

"Ahh." A soft scream left my lips as I jumped. 

A bright light shone through as I rolled my window back down. 

"Miss you can't be parked here." 

"I'm so sorry officer. I was dropping someone off at their car. I'll leave now." I told him quietly. 

"Okay, since this is the first time this has happened, I'll let you off with a warning. Just not again, alright."

"Thank you so much officer, I'lll be leaving now." I said as I flicked the key starting the engine, rolling my window up, and reversing. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2014 ⏰

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