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*Note: I did not make this video, but thank you to whoever did. I love it!


Dear Boy/Girl Meets World,

At this time I feel like all I can do is write. My feelings are too confusing for me to understand right now, but if I write them down, I will be able to read them right in front of me. So, this is just as much for me as it is for you.

I want to begin with telling my story of how came across this show to begin with. Several summers ago, I was up early on a weekday because I had gymnastics practice. I was in my kitchen, most likely eating, and I saw a show on TV. My dad walked in and said, "Oh you would like this. It's a cute show." I grabbed my food and sat down to see what it was. After one episode, I fell in love with everything about it. I began waking up early everyday over that summer to catch an episode or two of Boy Meets World on ABC Family. That year I got the entire series on DVD for my birthday, and I even made a binder for the show, in which I had dividers for each season, and included information about every episode. Everyone thought I was insane, but all I knew was that this show always made me feel something, and I didn't give a crap if they thought I was crazy because deep down I know that I 100% was.

Some time after, I heard someone talking that they were making some kind of spin-off with Cory and Topanga's kids. I freaked out. I began looking up everything I could find about it, and started counting down the days to the premiere of Girl Meets World.

Right from the start, I knew that this show was going to be just as special to me. I have been watching ever since.

Now after "many twists and turns that no one saw coming" it's all coming to an end. Some would say it's not the end of the world, but it is the end of the world that all these characters live in. The end of the world in which Cory met Topanga, Shawn met Cory, and Riley met Maya. The only place this world will be in now is our hearts and minds (and probably our DVRs, On Demand, Netflix, iTunes, YouTube, Wattpad, etc.).

We've had a lot of amazing memories over the years. [Share some of your favorite memories of the show in the comment section here.] I could list some, but we'd be here all day. So, I am just thinking of some of my favorite memories now, and laughing, smiling, and crying about them. Remember the feeling you had when you first saw them. That's what these shows always did to me; they made me feel something whether it was tears of joy, laughter, or sadness.

That feeling inspired many of us. It gave us courage to do something we were afraid to do before. It gave us hope that a bad situation would get better. It gave us something to relate to, so we knew were weren't alone.

Even though it's sad that the show is ending, we should still celebrate what a great run it had, and that requires thanking the characters who created it, and the people who made it happen.

First, I will thank all main characters throughout both shows. Each has left some impact on me, and changed both the shows and me for the better.

To Jack and his 6% body fat, thank you for being the friend that Eric needed, and the brother that Shawn needed. You came into the show right when we needed you.

To Rachel, thank you for completing their friend group in college, for adding an interesting conflict between Jack and Eric over you, and for being one of Topanga's bridesmaids. (Forever one of my favorite episodes.)

To Mr. Turner, thank you for giving Shawn a "father" for some time and for giving us a break from Feeny, as much as we love him.

To Amy and Allan, thank you for raising some of my favorite characters, including the ones that weren't your own.

To Angela, thank you for giving someone for Shawn to love in high school and college, because he needed you.

To Morgan, thank you for being adorable and always making me smile.

To Eric, oh boy I don't even know what to say. Thank you though. And thank you for making me laugh until I cried.

To Mr. Feeny, thank you for teaching us to dream, try, and do good. I will never forget that.

To Shawn, thank you for being a real-life character that people could relate to. And for not giving up. It took some time but you eventually got what you deserved from life.

To Topanga, thank you for being the epitome of girl power and for slaying me forever. Your creativity, confidence, strength, and hair will never be forgotten.

To our favorite little potato Cory, thank you for being you. It was incredible to watch you meet the world.

To Ava, thank you for you confidence and sass. I hope you keep that wherever characters go when they are no longer used.

To Smakle, thank you for showing us it's ok to be different and that no one is "normal."

To Zay, thank you for breaking the awkward silence in so many scenes and for giving us somewhat of a background for Lucas.

To Lucas, thank you for showing us that the right people can change us for the better. (And for causing bloodbaths within the fandom from time to time.

To Farkle, thank you for showing us that it's always ok to change while we grow as long as we keep the people we love and used to be close to us.

To Auggie, thank you for the being the most loving, gentle, innocent, and funny character. Your relationship with your sister is beautiful. I loved watching you grow.

To Maya, thank you continuing Shawn's legacy by being an example of someone who has gone through a lot. I've loved hearing stories from real life people who have similar backgrounds about how you inspired them. Keep painting, and stay close to Riles.

To Riley, thank you for being the adorable little fluffy savage that we all know you are. Just like your dad, I loved every second of watching you meet the world.

Every one of those characters created the incredible shows I'm saying goodbye to know. I hope, wherever you all go from here, you never lose each other, and what makes each and every one of you so beautiful and unique.

These two shows have done nothing but help me meet the world... boy meets world and girl meets world... now I get it.

Always remember to dream, try, and do good.

I love you all.

Class dismissed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2017 ⏰

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