Chapter One

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(Hi lovley people! Im so glad you decided to click on my story! this is my first of hopefully many novels so it would mean the world to me if you could give me feed back :D and maybe a vote Ihope you really like the first up load aand I hope you choose to stick with Bree and I until the end ! I love you all for giving me a chance ! X )

My feet hit the concrete with a rhythmic beat, my breath escapes from my lungs in sharp exhales, I can feel the pounding of my heart sending electric currents through me with the movement of my body as i make my way along the dusk lit street, my legs move with the beat of the music that has consumed my thoughts for what seems like an hour as it escapes from the small iPod i took from my mothers side table and have since shoved into the lining my bra. I realize as i let myself step out of my thoughts that I have run to far, my eyes scan the darkening street looking for anything familiar, but nothing springs to mind. I had been so focused on getting as far away from the yelling of the couple whom I used to see as my parents, and the old house i used to think of as home, that I had completely forgotten to take any notice of which direction I was running in. I seize my running abruptly, stopping under a fluorescent street light that every now and again flicks off leaving me in complete darkness. I pull my head phones out of my ears to clear my mind and try to turn my thoughts the right way round. As I watch a stray cat digging in a garbage bin on the opposite side of the road to were I'm standing on the darkening street listening to its soft sounds of contentment as it digs in to the scraps of the bin I realize with amazement that I haven't begun to panic yet. The only sounds escaping me are the heaves of my rugged breathing. The thin layer of sweat that has spread its self over my skin doesn't protect me from the breeze that combs its fingers through my sweat plastered hair. The hair on the back of my neck stands on end as the mid June breeze plays teasingly at the hem of my singlet. I take a deep breath, exhaling slowley as i pull the elastic from my hair and re tie it in to a messy top knot on the top of my head, my blonde waves trying unsuccessfully to escape as I try to steady my breathing to think.

I cant help but feel slightly guilty as I come to terms with finding my way back and returning to the mad house my parents harsh words and loud expressions have made my home. Guilty at the fact that I only thought of myself as I ran as fast as I could out of that front door this evening, leaving April behind. I scrunch my nose and ball my fingers in to fists in an angry assault against myself. How could I be so self centered, leaving my little sister behind like that to face the wrath of my parents was not fair! A five year old cant deal with that! "Stupid, stupid, stupid Bree! What the hell were you thinking!" Frustrated words spill from my lips in to the quiet night scolding me for my self centered actions. To anybody watching me stand under a street lamp in the dark with my fists balled growling at myself they probably would have thought i was insane. But right now I couldn't care less. My stubbornness to get away and not face the music has dug me a hole yet again, and now I have no idea where I am and no way of getting back to my sister.

A quiet frustrated growl escapes from deep inside me as I begin to pace back and forth on the side walk, the laces of my barley adequate sneakers flapping around my ankles. I grit my teeth together locking my jaw into place and squeeze my eyes shut as I try to think, try to clear my mind.

As I finally make up my mind to head across the road to the house with the stray cat in the drive way to ask to use the phone to call which ever parent can be bothered with me, I hear the soft purr of an engine slowing down on the road in front of me, my eye lids fly open instantly absorbing their surroundings. A black van has pulled up on the curb, its engine purring quietly as though its a cat ready to pounce, the window of the passenger side rolls smoothly downward but in the dark with my only light source being the untrustworthy street lamp i cant make out who sits inside the cab. A low voice sounds suddenly making me jump from my dazed thoughts as I stand awkwardly on the foot path. "Do you need any help girl?" the voice circulates through my mind the air suddenly becoming thick in my lungs, the way the tone shakes as the words come towards me as though its almost electronic like, doesn't sit well with me and I know better then to ever trust some freak stranger, so before I know what I'm doing the irrational side of my brain kicks in and instead of politely declining and walking across the road to the house, my legs begin to move and I take off at a sprint up the road, trying to stay on the curb all though the darkness does make that hard. My heart hammers, my mind races and my legs move faster as I hear a horrible growl from behind me. The engine is no longer purring,  instead the vehicle pulls off the curb and begins to pick up speed coming directly for me.

I keep telling my self its only a dream as all rational thoughts escape me as I thunder down the road, Ill wake up soon, I know it, it cant be real, this sort of thing cant happen to me ! I Swear its only a nightmare! 

Suddenly I get the feeling the van is right at my heels, and just as I turn to look the small amount of air that I have been able to gulp in over the past 10 seconds leaves me in a whoosh as a body flings them selves out of the passenger door tackling me to the ground in one foul swoop. My head hits the grass verge with a smack and for a second my vision goes black, I can only just make out the rough breathing of the figure as I try to claw my self away from their grip, but instead of my kicking and screaming having the intended effect of the chance to escape all I'm given is five harsh words before what seems to be a sack is shoved over my head cutting off all vision I seemed to have and I'm hauled to my feet "Shut up you little bitch!" The words take me by surprise as my thrashing body is shoved into the open doors of the van, they silence my for a split second before I regain my thoughts and realize whats happening. I try to stumble to my feet in what feels to be an extremely small area but instead a sharp pain radiates from my head as it smacks into the roof of the vehicle, my knees hit the ground with a smack and I stumble on my hands and knees in the direction of what i presume to be the doors screaming at the top of my lungs "Let me go!" At first I'm surprised by the foreign tone of my voice but then as I stare in to the darkness of the sack I realize my situation and begin to scream again slaming my balled up fists againts the side of the van until I no longer have feeling in them "You horrible bastards let me go ! You wont get away with this ! Ill find out who you are ! I swear! Wait ... Please let me go my sister needs me ! PLEASE!" I stop my rant abruptly when a small voice sounds from the back of the van,"Bree?...Breebree is that you?" the sound makes my blood run cold through my veins as realisation hits me. I swear in this very moment I will find these bastards and I will make them suffer! Because that tiny scared little voice  belongs to April!

(so I hope you liked it, I know its only short but im going to be trying to update very soon :D your feed back would be amazing and a vote or two ;) I know its cheeky to ask :D but I hope you stick around for Bree and I guess theres not much else to say except see you on the other side! X) 

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