Chapter Two

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My mind screams as I try to drag my body across the floor of the van my head spinning and my vision blurred due to the whack I received just moments ago on the grass verge, hurrying towards the sound of my sisters voice, my hands out stretched searching for the certainty of her little frame. My fingers brush against the smooth texture of what I presume to be her little face. All it takes is to imagine the look of terror that engulfs her huge blue eyes, and I cant hold my composure any longer, my shaking body flys forward grabbing her by the waist and pulling her to me. A strangled sob leaving my lips. A sound that I am so unfamiliar with that it frightens me to the core. Due to the darkness that surrounds us I cant see any of her features but I know as soon as her little hands wrap them selves around my waist that shes relieved to have me here, as she holds on for what feels like dear life after removing the sack from my head. I cant bring myself to speak, every word I feel the need to say choking me in the bottom of my throat. Every morsel of anger and pain and horror  I hold toward these people keeping it stuck firmly in place, all I want to do is comfort her, to apologize profoundly for not being there for her when she needed me, and to tell her that I love her. But no words will come. 

When words do come they aren't what I expected to hear. They sound hollow and horrid and weak escaping from my lips piercing the silence and leaving a filthy taste of disgust towards these people behind on my tongue. "April?" a soft cry sounds from her little body "Oh my god its you" Her arms wrap tighter around me "Oh god April what are you doing here!?" Panic begins to seep through me again before i feel her warm breath seep into my shoulder as sobbing words escape her shivering frame "Breebree, where are we? Why are they doing this to us? Breebree I don't understand!" Her voice sounds so quiet pained, so different to the little monkey I know, but all I can do is squeeze her body closer to me and shake my head. "Oh my god. I don't know baby girl. I really don't know." What  kind of sick people can do something like this ? I just cant begin to fathom it! It doesn't make sense! And why the hell did they choose of all people to take us ! It can't be a coincidence not if they got April as well! "Oh shit!" the words escape my lips before I can stop them. I feel as though I have been punched in the stomach as realization hits me square in the gut causing a wave of nausea to over whelm my senses.

It wasn't a coincidence, these people have been watching us !

How could this happen? Surely one of us would have noticed if we kept seeing somebody hovering round us ! As I try to make sense of it all I know that its no use. Not right now any way. My head is aching, my mind is spinning and I have a sobbing kid plastered to me. And right now she is the most important thing. No matter what happens I want to let her know that I wont let her down! I wont be that sister anymore that can no longer face the music! I bend my head to rest my cheek on her head. A sharp pain begins to radiate down the back of my neck bringing on another wave of nausea, I swallow sharply but don't attempt to lift my head. Instead I bury my face in to my sisters hair the soft curls tickling  my cheeks the sweet scent of shampoo engulfing my senses, And murmur so quietly that I hope to god she hears me "April... I promise Ill keep you safe OK?" my voice begins to shake slightly "I promise ill get us out of here.I swear!" The words sound smoother and more reassuring then I ever thought they would, and for that I'm glad. I need to be strong for her ! But just as I'm thinking she didn't hear me he small frame stops shuddering and I feel a soft nod against my chest. I cant help but let a sigh sound from within me. That sigh holding so much meaning but only being able to portray so little. 

My aching bones feel heavy all of a sudden and I know If I wait any longer Ill pass out from both exhaustion and fear, so lifting my head from April's head I begin to drag both her and my bodies across the floor of the van, my fingers aching from my assault on the wall earlier grip against the grooves of the floor slowly dragging us closer to the wall, we reach what seems to be the corner of the boot and I curl my body around April's, trying to absorb some of her warmth to calm my shaking body and highly strung nerves. Just as my mind begins to calm down and April's body stops shuddering, the horrible feeling of unconsciousness begins to seep into my senses pulling me unwillingly into the lonely black hole at the back of my mind.

No way not even in a million years would I have ever expected what was coming our way.

( A/N    Hey guys ! First of all I want to say a huge thank you because if your reading this you have come back to follow Bree's adventure and for that i am sooo greatfull! I know this update is extremly short but I did just update last night so yeah. I also know that this is deffinatly not the most exciting update on the planet but please bare with me because believe me its about to get exciting ! Haha maybe even a few tears and a certain someone ;) any way thank you all again Ill try to update again really soon and I love you all And PLEASE PLEASE vote and comment it would mean the world to me!! So I guess the only thing left to say is Bree and I will see you on the other side ! Over and out! X )

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