the night ,things took a turn.

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As I get up ,I check my phone as usual. Baby jack still sleeping I see I have a couple of missed calles from Marcie ,usually she only calls to tell me &baby jack to go over ,so I go ahead an take advantage of jack being asleep.&get my self ready being that its chilly I go ahead an take a tank ,put my nike hoodie on over ,with my black leggings &furry boots after all its just Marcie's house ,my second home' so before I knew it baby jacks awake & telling Me "papa papa" so I go ahead get him some cereal. Get his stuff together& soon after breakfast I see my phone light up "new message from Christopher" what I cannot think of what he'd want to be telling me. All these thoughts start to race in my head. Wondering if I should open it or not. Hating the fact that Facebook tells you when your message has been opened, so I say fuck it. &just slide the message across the screen opening the msg. A big reliefe that it just said "hey you" but also made me wonder. Why would he message me.. But honestly gave me the happiest feeling that the green eyed ,cute sexy boy would message me ,so I respond with "hey!" Trying not to seem like I'm jumping with joy an that he absolutely made my morning with a simple "hey you" but he did.. So by then I've drove down the block to Marcie's & the kids are playing ,impatiently I'm waiting for my phone to go off. Finnaly around 5:30pm it does ,but I was outside with the kids an left if inside. So I didn't read it till about 7ish. By that time I had taken jack to my parents to stay the night.& headed back to marcies for a girls night ! Reading the message " what are you going to do tonight?". My insides twist an I swear I feel my stomach turn. Could he want to hang out with me? Outside of work? Oh my god. So I respond with "sorry had the kids outside! But just some girl time with my cousin what about you?" Fastly he replys (which I love) "ah well I wish you had replyed earlier I'm going with my cousin right now. How about I hit you up when I get home?" By now I'm seeing we really might just hangout only us two. So I say "sounds good!" Trying not too seem like a 12 year old girl. Keep in mind he's much older than me ,by 8 years .. Maybe that's why I'm so attracted to him anyways my night strangely start to consist of me checking my phone for a message from Christopher.. But every time nothing so I began to just stop almost falling to sleep. Kinda feeling a bit sad..

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